Trio Illness


Staff member
I do not recall the trio being ill,except for the morning after the night before, but never much to keep them away from the others for any amount of time,even when Cleggy had his leg in plaster he was still out and about,there never seemed a time when they were not coming out as they had man flue,even the ladies always seemed in good health,did I miss any illness
Other than Foggys broken foot in Wales, I cant think of any eiither.
I have been wondering about the same subject too. Nobody ever having a cold or anything. Very good immune systems, I wish I had one right now!
All that Yorkshire fresh air, walking the hills all day does wonders for you and no anti bacterial soap, a few germs are good for the immune system.
Honestly I was going to say the same thing. Country air does it to you.
All I can remember is Cleggy being worried about not hearing his heart beating on one hill climb and both him and Compo having "squiggles" in their eyes at one stage of Bicycle Trekking! ;D :eek:
I suspect all the germs get drowned in that Yorkshire tradition of ale drinking
Good food good air and a terror of being ill and getting under the wife,s feet,would you want Nora ,Edie or Ivy having to spare the time to look after you.Look at the the way Sam,s wife looked after him are they taught this at school or at their mothers knee!
If it drowns the germs I better start drinking ale! Hm, didn´t they say Compo had a smoker´s cough in the Reinforced Bottom? Something like that?