The Numpties at the BBC are now complaining

That's the problem now, when I was younger (Not that long ago!!)
we only had 4 stations to watch, now we have something like 400.

When there was only 4 or 5 their had to put something decent on because we noticed when it was rubbish. Now it takes us an hour to surf all the channels just to realise that there is only rubbish to watch, and your so tired by then all you want to do is go to bed.

There is no incentive for them to put anything decent on anymore, we have too much other stuff going on XBox, Facebook, DVDs the list goes on where has before we had all these gizmo's the only thing you could do at night was watch TV.
That's the problem now, when I was younger (Not that long ago!!)
we only had 4 stations to watch, now we have something like 400.

When there was only 4 or 5 their had to put something decent on because we noticed when it was rubbish. Now it takes us an hour to surf all the channels just to realise that there is only rubbish to watch, and your so tired by then all you want to do is go to bed.

There is no incentive for them to put anything decent on anymore, we have too much other stuff going on XBox, Facebook, DVDs the list goes on where has before we had all these gizmo's the only thing you could do at night was watch TV.

Very good point and why do folk still buy TV Guides like RT as we know what is on,very little worth watching
I have always thought OFAH was best before they started with all the extra characters like Raquel etc. I totally believe that the whole show was ruined from that point onward, especially Casandra she just annoyed me. Whereas, with Summer wine, more characters became involved, but only when a character had gone away, for whatever reason. The main trio always stayed just the three with no extra baggage, making a great entertaining show.

I agree mate, I always thought they should have ended it once Rodney got married. The whole point of the show was that they were wheel dealer chancers and the interrelationship between the 3 main family characters was its core. I know they got older and things change and art reflected life, but to leave it there would have been a good ending. It was pretty average up until that 1996 3 parter that was supposed to be the finishing point when they found the rare watch. That really should've been the end of it.

I agree with you here. It could have ended with the wedding, though the following series was quite good too. Miami Twice marked 10 years, and would have been a good place to end it. The 1996 trilogy was a good piece of work though and provided a perfect ending.

The trilogy of 2001 to 2003 was below standard. It didn't help that some of the cast had aged, though you can't help that.

The ending in 2003 was not as good as that of 1996.

As it turned out though, if you were to watch the prequel Rock and Chips first, then OFAH in it's entirity, then the ending is spot on.
That's the problem now, when I was younger (Not that long ago!!)
we only had 4 stations to watch, now we have something like 400.

When there was only 4 or 5 their had to put something decent on because we noticed when it was rubbish. Now it takes us an hour to surf all the channels just to realise that there is only rubbish to watch, and your so tired by then all you want to do is go to bed.

There is no incentive for them to put anything decent on anymore, we have too much other stuff going on XBox, Facebook, DVDs the list goes on where has before we had all these gizmo's the only thing you could do at night was watch TV.

Very good point and why do folk still buy TV Guides like RT as we know what is on,very little worth watching

The other thing is that now we can turn to +1 and watch the same rubbish again an hour later!!
I rearly watch the BBC now, I dont do Eastenders and everything else is repeats.
I think OFAH was at its best when Lennard Pearce was in it, but I think it is overrated and definately not the greatest comedy show of all time.

To me the top five would be

2.Dad's Army
3.Hancock's Half Hour
4.Open All Hours
5.Steptoe and Son
Boris Johnson had a go at the beeb today in the Telegraph saying that they are biased left wing and totaly out of toch with licence payers ,its taken him a long time to find that out!
Boris Johnson had a go at the beeb today in the Telegraph saying that they are biased left wing and totaly out of toch with licence payers ,its taken him a long time to find that out!

It would have to be a sad, lonely, rainy day before I took advice and sermons fro the likes of Boris Johnson on any subject, the stupid oaf that he is.
As well as SW box sets, i also have the Rising Damp and Dads Army sets.
They are all ok in their own way and i'll probably be adding the Carry on box set to the collection soon, i tend to buy what i fancy really.
I also enjoy Poirot and the Sherlock Holmes programmes, although they have been hammered on the telly, repeated many times, so not sure if i'll end up buying those box sets or not, we'll see.

I also think it beggars belief, that we pay the licence fee to the BBC and they have very little on that i enjoy anymore, i do like the Julia Bradbury programmes though, they are usually quite interesting.
I'm sure like many of the other members, i flick through the Freeview channels most nights and find sod all interesting is on, so i watch a couple of DVD's, in fact most evenings, i put Summer Wine on whilst having my evening meal.
It's quite laughable really isn't it?, so many TV channels and we would rather watch DVD's, but we still have to pay the annual licence fee...i dispair, i really do!

G ; )
The state of TV here in the US is not much better. One PBS station used to air British sitcoms 5 nights a week from the 7:30 to 8:00 PM time slot Mondays through Fridays, but they got rid of that a few years ago. Now, another station just does a 2-hour marathon on Saturday night and repeats it Sunday night consisting of Fawlty Towers, Keeping Up Appearances, LOTSW, and the final one they rotate out (Yes Prime Minister, Miranda, The Old Guys, etc.). However, it often gets pre-empted by pledge drives, news specials, etc. What passes for comedy nowadays is pathetic and in direct opposition to the wholesomeness and quaintness that was LOTSW. It's all the more reason I miss it. However, what's done is done, and getting the cast together again with Alan J. W. Bell directing and Roy Clarke writing might prove to be a tall order if not borderline impossible. At least we'll always have the old episodes to watch on DVD.
LOTSW was the greatest comedy the BBC ever had and ever will have. Even though the later episodes didn't reach the greatness of the classic era of the show, they were still significantly better than the rubbish they label comedy nowadays.
LOTSW was the greatest comedy the BBC ever had and ever will have. Even though the later episodes didn't reach the greatness of the classic era of the show, they were still significantly better than the rubbish they label comedy nowadays.
well said :)