Not Saying I'm Old But.....


Staff member
Not saying I'm old but my granddaughters just passed her driving test, first time too.
Reminds me of mine, I failed the first time which I should have passed but passed the second time which I should have failed.... I think it had a lot to do with the fact I cried at the examiner! Poor man was terrified.
My Mum was successful in retail , managed a shop in what is now a huge chain of shops and the owner of the company, when it was small, was so impressed that he asked her to help open the shops and get them up and running as the chain expanded . He said he would provide a car and pay for lessons , big mistake the lessons probably cost more than the car , the tests she has talked down to 4 over the years you can probably at least 6 to that so when she eventually passed I think she kissed and hugged the driving examiner.

Anyway on the first drive out she took my dad to the Coast to a place called Seaton Sluice[ where they film Vera quite regularly] on the main road through there is a large roundabout and on their first drive she was so daunted by it she could get off it, round and round they went until she finally managed it and there started her conquest with the Automobile.

We have just written her lifestory and had it published as part of an activity in her Care home , there was a limit of 35 pages and to be fair we could have filled it with car stories . You have to provide headings for the pages on one for the car stories we have "Member of the AA , they wished she was in the RAC"
Our neighbour took years to pass, I hated round abouts and my instructor knew that so every lesson I had we went round 6, big ones, mini ones, ones with lights and ones without but it cured my hate and fear of them, I some times swear I'm the only person in England that knows how to use a mini one! Every time I get to one there's at least 2 other drivers looking at each other trying to work out who goes first.
I know someone who has difficulty circumventing islands. {I've waited 22 years to get a chance to use that word, circumvented}.
That's it, no story, just wanted to use that word.:confused:
Our neighbour took years to pass, I hated round abouts and my instructor knew that so every lesson I had we went round 6, big ones, mini ones, ones with lights and ones without but it cured my hate and fear of them, I some times swear I'm the only person in England that knows how to use a mini one! Every time I get to one there's at least 2 other drivers looking at each other trying to work out who goes first.

You should be living in Swindon
Roundabouts were unknown here in my region of the US until about 20 years ago when two were installed as traffic-calming measures on the roads to the lab where I worked. In this country, we drive on the right, but the morning that the first one opened one of the first drivers on it went around to the left to make the left turn to the lab. The next driver drove straight across the newly planted soft earth in the center to go straight. The third driver, me, wishing I'd had a camera, drove around it correctly to the right to make the left turn to the lab. Not bragging, but the general idea had penetrated my brain from having been driven around so many of them in Great Britain, albeit in the opposite direction.

It wasn't long before there was a spate of letters to the editor in the local newspaper complaining bitterly about the roundabouts being the only places in the country where the driver making the left turn had the right of way if they happened to already be in the roundabout when other drivers were waiting to enter it. After a few months, the furor died down and everybody got used to it.