Holmfirth and Yorkshire Picture #70

Technology meets Tradition , used responsibly Drone's are the really great side of technological developments . My :( is purely for the transmitter mast , which I know had to be deployed somewhere , as did electricity pylons in years gone by , but it detracts from such a wonderful view , go back a few years before it was erected and what would that sunset view look like , stunning I imagine .
I recall a local TV show debate about Wind Farms, and near Hebden Bridge the wanted to erect 3 on the hills and the local folk did not want them, in the show they visited the hill with locals and the chap pointed to a mast and said this should be removed then, and the locals asked what is it for and the chap replied, it is a TV relay station mast so the village can get TV, the local replied oh no we need that, he then pointed to another mast in the hills and asked should it be removed, once again they asked what is was for, he replied it was a mobile phone mast supplying a signal to the valley, oh no that has to stay said the locals, so we won't erect the windmills and remove the string of pylons that were there, and the locals said we will have no electricity, the chap then pointed out that without the help of the wind turbines at some point in the future when we all consume much more electricity, fossil fuel power stations are getting turned off, so nothing on the hill will be of any use with no power
Technology meets Tradition , used responsibly Drone's are the really great side of technological developments . My :( is purely for the transmitter mast , which I know had to be deployed somewhere , as did electricity pylons in years gone by , but it detracts from such a wonderful view , go back a few years before it was erected and what would that sunset view look like , stunning I imagine .
Its been there since I was about 5yo ! I am almost sure the Coronation was relayed to us from there .:39:
I know all of the turbines, masts etc are essential to provide facilities for the lifestyle we have all grown accustomed to and indeed demand but these structures are just not aesthetically pleasing on the eye and the beauty of the countryside and coast is something we need to value whilst we still can . In a bid to show how planners can get it wrong here is an article from my local paper . Whilst this is about building an Office Block and the impact it has on an infamous public house near Newcastle's football ground it just illustrates the sometimes incredulous decision planners make in the quest for what they believe is an improvement . The stupidity of this proposal is that around Newcastle there are countless office blocks which are and have remained empty for years , there is absolutely no need for this building in terms of the capacity of office space available.

NB the rear of the Pub has a roof beer garden which will lose all chances of being bathed in Sunshine , however if you are in the office on the floor level with the garden given the proximity of the block you could open the window and step out into the pub .