Dreadful summer, who else has got a cold??


Dedicated Member
I must complain about this year´s summer. The Southeast of Germany is sweating under a hot spell, and we in the West have got 15 degrees and rain all the time. Yesterday I woke up with a sore throat and temperature and by afternoon it had risen to 39°C :eek:! This is incredible, I never usually get it as high as that. But tonight it´s almost back to normal, thank god. I hope when the sore throat is gone that that was it!
My mother had the same thing last week, though not as much temperature as that, and several colleagues of mine are also ill. It´s worse than in winter, at least I didn´t have anything then, and I certainly never had anything like this in summer in all my adult life. Who ever else is in the same boat, get well soon!
Thank you ;), yes, that´s what I will do. Though iced drinks are not the right thing when you have got a throat infection, the ice will decrease the blood circulation in your throat and thus allow the viruses to spread even more, so you better drink something hot and improve the blood circulation which brings the phagocytes there quicker (sorry for getting technical, they are the cells that kill the germs in your body).
Thank you ;), yes, that´s what I will do. Though iced drinks are not the right thing when you have got a throat infection, the ice will decrease the blood circulation in your throat and thus allow the viruses to spread even more, so you better drink something hot and improve the blood circulation which brings the phagocytes there quicker (sorry for getting technical, they are the cells that kill the germs in your body).
thanks for the info **** never knew that :)
Thank you ;), yes, that´s what I will do. Though iced drinks are not the right thing when you have got a throat infection, the ice will decrease the blood circulation in your throat and thus allow the viruses to spread even more, so you better drink something hot and improve the blood circulation which brings the phagocytes there quicker (sorry for getting technical, they are the cells that kill the germs in your body).

I am going to add a new board for Dr ****,now I am off to send her a PM and ask about my knee problem ;)
Thanks Rhi, don´t ask... it came back for the second time, so I´m like on my third cold within three weeks, or the first flaring up and up again. But each one is a bit different to keep it exciting ::). This time it´s a really horrible sore throat and a bit of a cough. Really, it started last week already and got really bad yesterday, but I´m not taking antibiotics for the third time now. My mum had the same trouble, so I hope this was the last relapse. It is unbelievable! It´s as if this summer was catching up what I didn´t get for the past 18 months or so.
Sounds dreadful, they're such miserable things. It's not as though they give us immunity to the next batch of colds that come along. Summer colds are especially vile. At least in winter we can reasonably expect to get bugs, but summer? Thats just unfair!I hope you get over it soon, it seems to be attacking you in waves. I hope we can't catch it by e-mail!
LOL, I should hope not! I wouldn´t like to pass this to anyone else! My mother very kindly did it to me, that´s enough! I never had anything like this in summer, so do you think it´s worse and tougher in summer? It seems like it, I would never have thought I´d have trouble for more than 7 or 10 days.
Maybe we notice it more in summer. Wintertime everyone has a cold, at least around here. We used to have a lot of industry in the area so for years everyone I knew had a cough, but these days the air is clear, the valley is green and the rivers are clean again, so could be we're less used to hearing coughs. But yup, I think summer colds are worse. Maybe the frost kills the germs quicker in winter.