Back From Scarborough


Staff member
Hi Everyone

I am back from Sunny Scarborough,we had a great time at the two Cooper & Walsh shows and I have lots to tell you along with some location photo's I tracked down while we were there,I will do this over the next couple of days.
The Crime duo hope to have a DVD of the show available to buy soon,I met up with Martin from Scarborough TV News who has enough video of several shows and I have suggested it gets it onto DVD so folk can see what it is all about, in the meantime you can visit the website where there are several articles and clips related to Alan Bell and Cooper and Walsh, Ken Kitson also told me he starts making his own film later next year,I had a chat with the produce after the show and he is keen to get the film made.

There is also a chance of a kind of spin-off of LOSW that won't make the TV screen but sold on DVD only, the plan is to use as many of the old cast as possible
