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  1. P

    What is this 9

    Thanks mate, thoroughly enjoying/appreciating your efforts with this game.:)
  2. P

    What is this 9

    is it the smock Barry is wearing while Eadie cuts his hair in "the Heavily Reinforced Bottom"?
  3. P

    Stanley's Song

    Thanks Sarkus, great info there. Found it on Youtube (The Wild Blue Yonder), Americans sure have a handle on writing a stirring Anthem!;D
  4. P

    Stanley's Song

    Does anybody recognise the song that a very happy Stanley "Ace" Pocklington is singing in "The Space Ace"? It's rather catchy and sounds to me as if it comes from a musical. The lyrics from the subtitles are: "Off we go into the wild blue yonder, climbing high into the sun. Here they come...
  5. P

    Alan Bells' "From The Directors Chair"

    Good Morning all, Over the weekend, i had the chance to read Alans book from cover to cover. What an entertaining read! (no spoilers here). Someone had written in their review that "you'll laugh and may shed a tear". I found that statement to be spot on. In many ways...
  6. P

    A Double for Ivy

    I'm guessing this is due to Jane being unable to walk well enough, she looks very unsteady (using the door frame/wall) as she exits the kitchen.
  7. P

    My Barry...............

    My Barry has executive toenails.:32:
  8. P

    Howard, Billy and Alvin.

    After seeing what he did to Barry and Glendas car, i'd agree (of course, his grip was slipping).:21:
  9. P

    First outing of spring

    Thank you for posting, my daughter is fascinated by owls at the moment and has put a lot of time into identifying them. She will love to see this when she gets home.
  10. P

    Howard, Billy and Alvin.

    Howard, Billy and Alvin Thanks for the replies. Perhaps Alvin really did make a career as "Alvin - lover of women". :rolleyes: I really enjoy the way Roy Clarke leaves us little tid bits of a characters life, sometimes it's just a passing comment, but it does fill out a character.
  11. P

    Howard, Billy and Alvin.

    Good morning, Thanks for having us on the forum. We were wondering if there was any mention of what these characters did before they retired. Many thanks :smile:.