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  1. M

    Looking for an eposode title

    One or two I can remember I'm trying (and failing) to recall an episode title. It featured Wesley fixing swivel type office chairs to a trailer for a ladies outing. When on the move the chairs kept spinning making everyone dizzy. Any ideas?
  2. M

    Was the John Cleese scene intended as a nodback?

    Every time I watch the scene in Welcome To Earth when the trio chuck the sugarbeet at the alien spotter played by John Cleese, I cant help thinking "Right who threw that!" That was a quote from the stoning scene in Monty Python's Life Of Brian, when a charter played by him got pelted. Who else...
  3. M

    If only Compo put his money on these

    Hi all. While thinking about Compo’s bad luck on the ge ge’s I came up with the idea of Summer Wine related racehorse names. Any one can join in. The names can be a reference to anything about the series. Here’s a few to get you started. Seymour’s Latest (invention) Flight of fancy (Wally’s...