Compo's Bog Off

Found another, Cashflow Problems, the trio arrive at Biff's place, Cleggy asks Compo any last instructions, Compo replies Bog Off
Compo tells Foggy to Bog Off while riding with his polo mallet in Walking Stiff can make you famous
Not sure of title but Wesley explains to Foggy the ethics of him having to explain to Edie what he is doing !
" She doesnt take kindly to being told to bog off !! ":20::geek2:
The Frozen Turkey Man, the trio are in the cafe, Compo says Its Sad but true, Sid thinks he is on about the tea, and if he does not like it he can Bog Off
The Self Propelled Salad Strainer, Compo tells Cleggy to Bog Off when they find him in the park
In The Man who invented Yorkshire Funny Stuff, the barman tells them to bog off after the trio raised a toast to Cyril Cooper