You Tell Me Quiz 12


Staff member
This you may find hard,I can recall the scene but I will have to look up the title as I have forgotten,so please remind me of the title

I know this one, *I think*, but will let someone else have a go.
i,m thinking early foggy era but i could be lying.How about
Jubilee to be honest i do not remember the pub.Well done Rob in getting it so quick :)
i,m thinking early foggy era but i could be lying.How about
Jubilee to be honest i do not remember the pub.Well done Rob in getting it so quick :)

You aren't far off mate.
If I was giving a clue, I'd say that had the photo been taken more to the front left of the pub, showing the side, it would be more of a giveaway.
The other one was greenfingers but now i'm not sure its bugging me i keep checking titles on the dvd cases.I think its series 3 or 4.