Whoops 40th anniversary

I love this scene in the cafe where Compo and Foggy have their little spat (eeurgh look at his face) and where Cleggy tells his tale of his honeymoon,I stayed a while at this table thinking of that scene,and had my breakfast there before returning to the counter to order tea and a sticky bun,only to discover to my horror that they don’t do Ivy’s sticky buns !
I asked for a cup of tea and couldn’t believe they don’t do anything like a sticky bun or one of those lovely iced Belgian buns that Ivy used to make,it was either a slice of cake,a scone,or rocky road,they seriously need to order in some sticky buns,they must get asked countless times,still it was very nice though,then it was out of the cafe to catch the 314 to Holme to the school to do some standing on my head
Chuffer these pictures are absolutely magical, so nostalgic seeing the passage of time! Thank you ever so much for taking the time to post.
You’re welcome Barry thank you so much for that comment,it was wonderful to spend the whole day and night in their footsteps in honour of them forty years later,I had to watch Whoops about six times before I went so that I could remember what conversations they had so I could think of them while I was there,coming up I leant on the exact same railings they did for a while and thought of my own old school friends,thanks again.
Btw,loving the profile pic,I absolutely love John Shuttleworth,I’v seen him live about ten times,most recently in Barnsley on November 13th.
All good stuff D E. You're even there with the decorations up. Yes I also think it's bad that they don't have sticky buns or Belgium buns (with a cherry). So easy to keep in stock I would have thought.
You’re welcome Barry thank you so much for that comment,it was wonderful to spend the whole day and night in their footsteps in honour of them forty years later,I had to watch Whoops about six times before I went so that I could remember what conversations they had so I could think of them while I was there,coming up I leant on the exact same railings they did for a while and thought of my own old school friends,thanks again.
Btw,loving the profile pic,I absolutely love John Shuttleworth,I’v seen him live about ten times,most recently in Barnsley on November 13th.
A few fans of him too on this site, I've seen him about as many times over the past 20 years. I always think he would have made an amazing cameo character on LOTSW, perhaps obsessed with the level of the local reservoir or whether Ivy was stocking the confectionary in the correct way :D
I'm also a big Count Arthur Strong fan and he made a wonderful cameo appearance in that series.
Mon Dieu! The mention of Count Arthur jolted my memory to check BBC Sounds to see if there is a Christmas episode and to my delight there is Away in a Mangle so will be giving it a listen later . Thanks Barry.
The trio are walking away from the electrical goods shop/Oscars now and heading for the cafe,they’re walking to the right of the cobblers shed towards the Nook pub and brewery (in reality this would have been a short cut to the cafe) but recently they’ve put this board up that you can see which would stop them doing that now,you can however walk round the front of the cobblers which is actually called Cobblers,a shoe repair and key cutting little shack that is still there 40 years later and completely recognisable to them,it’s always been painted white as it was in 1981 but they’ve now painted it grey,the barrels are from Oscars,into the cafe then where I will try and sit at the same table and order tea and a sticky bun,and see what’s changed
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I often pop into the cobblers when I’m in Holmfirth and talk nonsense with the guy who runs it.:) I love the old businesses.
A few fans of him too on this site, I've seen him about as many times over the past 20 years. I always think he would have made an amazing cameo character on LOTSW, perhaps obsessed with the level of the local reservoir or whether Ivy was stocking the confectionary in the correct way :D
I'm also a big Count Arthur Strong fan and he made a wonderful cameo appearance in that series.
Yes that would have been brilliant,as long as Ivy didn’t stock Bounty bars though,he still hasn’t got over them removing the cardboard tray
So they have caught the bus to the school at Holme,and I have followed in their footsteps,they talk here of the games they used to play,and the things they no longer do,dismissing Compo’s suggestion of putting frogs down ladies blouses,Foggy declares that you can’t beat the cut and thrust of a really competitive game of marbles,we don’t climb lampposts any more,says Compo,or jump off a moving bus,in the end they decide to walk on their hands in the school yard
The school is exactly how it was in 1981 when they visited,it’s still the Holme junior and infant school and the area around it has not been altered or built on in any way,they could come here 40 years later and not notice a change,I couldn’t get the exact angle due to a parked van,but it’s not important,the idea of the visit was to see if it has changed,and it hasn’t,this is the part of the school yard where they walked on their hands,IMDB has this short scene as a goof,stating that the children in the playground are wearing shorts and t shirts and it’s supposed to be Christmas,next we head down the lane to catch the bus back into Holmfirth
This is the bus stop that Foggy,Compo and Clegg would have gone to,to catch the bus back to Holmfirth,it’s at the bottom of the lane that the school is on,about a minutes walk,it’s very familiar to us as it’s been in a few scenes,I remember Barry asking Truly here how he could be more assertive,but when I see this bus stop there’s only one thing I see,and that’s Foggy on the roof taking up a snipers position,so pleased that this bus stop is completely unchanged and that they haven’t replaced it with a modern one,again,they could walk down from the school as they did 40 years ago and wait at the bus stop,and not notice a change,they would catch the 341 from here,at 8 minutes past every hour,an 11 minute bus ride into Holmfirth which is 2.8 miles away,and so onto the bus back to Holmfirth where they plan to jump off while it’s moving to the cries of Geronimo
Mon Dieu! The mention of Count Arthur jolted my memory to check BBC Sounds to see if there is a Christmas episode and to my delight there is Away in a Mangle so will be giving it a listen later . Thanks Barry.
Thanks CC, I only caught last years Christmas special Poundsqueezers thanks to your kind prompt on here. I'll definitely be tuning into BBC Sounds now, you have to love his titles!!!!!
So Foggy,Compo and Clegg catch the bus from the school in Holme back to Holmfirth,in the episode,as they are preparing to jump off the bus comes down Towngate,in reality it would have come into Holmfirth from the other direction,good to see Towngate has hardly changed and they would recognise it all with no problem,Bamfords is still being knocked down and renovated ( I always wished they would have made that into a saucy seaside postcard museum as thats where they were all designed and made) and isn it great to see the Cornerhouse cafe still there 40 years later,despite living in the shadow of Sid’s cafe 50 yards away
This is where our trio jump off the bus for the first time,trying to recreate their school days,I think they would easily recognise all this and feel very much at home,I was going to do the same but in this health and safety conscious world the bus stops before the doors open,still,there’s always a lamppost to climb
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