Who owns the ginger cat.


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Today I watched the episode were Cleggy has a wig delivered to him via Howard ,when the trio come out of Cleggs to walk past Howards I noticed a large fluffy ginger cat streak across to cleggs house .Anyone know who he lives with?
Today I watched the episode were Cleggy has a wig delivered to him via Howard ,when the trio come out of Cleggs to walk past Howards I noticed a large fluffy ginger cat streak across to cleggs house .Anyone know who he lives with?

Maybe the cat really lived in the house and saw the opportunity to sneak home
Who owns the ginger cat

Marina's best disguise yet ! You cannot blame her for trying to get closer to Howard without making Pearl suspicious
It could have been just photo bombing! ;D
Who owns the ginger cat

If the Queen can photo bomb a picture then a ginger this and that has every right to do the same
Back some many years ago the lady (and her kids) who lived next to
Cleggy had a border collie (Archie) and a ginger cat. Could be
the same ginger cat. I do know that Archie got briefly into
the filming of a Tale of Two Sweaters and if you look out from
Clegg's out the front door, you can see Archie run by.
At the end of "Small Tune . . ." there is a long shot of the back of Clegg's house and we get some voiceover chatter from the trio. In the shot you can see a cat in the back that looks like it belongs there and may (IIRC) be eating something by the back door. I always wondered if we were supposed to assume Clegg had a cat from that.

It is interesting how few pets the characters actually had in the series, or at least mentioned. Compo had his ferrets, of course, and Wally had pigeons and later the dog (who we never saw after Joe Gladwin died), but other than that nobody ever mentions them other then one episode were Ivy mentions having had a budgie.
In WHEELIES , Foggy is musing on how he has seen the wind uproot trees. Cleggy comes back with "there's a cat next door that tries its best!!" :29: :me:
Not exactly pets, but let's not forget the donkeys and horses.
Who owns the ginger cat

I certainly won't forget donkeys in fact I will no doubt be backing a few at Cheltenham which starts tomorrow .
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