which actor do you wished had done a guest appearance in lotsw

Stephanie Cole. She was a brilliant Mrs Featherstone in Open All Hours.

Stephanie Cole was in Open All Hours? I didn't catch that. I definitely would have liked to have seen her in Summer Wine as a guest playing Diane, with Tom from Waiting For God. I wrote about that before.

One actor I always liked was Geoffrey Palmer. I always liked his role in As Time Goes By and much earlier, he had a quest appearance as a Doctor in Fawlty Towers. This role had similar character traits as Time Goes By's Lionel. I could see him getting irritated by the trio.
Yep, she was brilliant. I first saw her in Tenko, all those years ago. She's worth watching. A really exceptional actress.
There are an awful lot of really good actors in Corrie, who have asked for parts in it. Bill Owen was in it a long time ago. Keith Clifford also. Nigel Havers, is currently playing a con man. And Kathy Staff was in it more than once. Arthur Lowe was one of the original cast. Anne Reid, who is in everything now, started off in 'the street'.
Robert Vaughn was in it recently, he was on a break from Hustle. He played Stephanie Coles 'squeeze' who she met on a cruise. I love this soap because there is so much humour in it which' unlike the more dramatic situations, doesn't get written up in the papers.
Sorry Rhi, this is not a lecture, just an opinion.
I suppose I'm stuck in the dark ages with telly. Or at least with soaps. I'm a bit boring and predictable with my selections. You're right Anne Reid is in everything! But she's great.
I love the child actors, Rhi. I suppose it is a granny thing. They are so sweet, especially the Little ones who, 'ab lib'. On Emmerdale last week a couple of kids were in the cafe with their parents. The little boy aged about three was prompting the little girl, aged about two. In a loud whisper he told her that she was supposed to be drinking her orange juice. A director in the making perhaps.
Erm.....Nah. I just don't get on with children! Although having said that I do help out now and then with a group of them in chapel. They are all 9-11 year olds, on a Friday night in a youth club. Noisy doesn't even come close. As there are anything between 40-60 of them you can understand the din! I did a cookery night with them a couple of months ago. Just making pikelets. You'd be amazed at how few of them had ever been involved in the family kitchen. But they could go home and safely make blueberry pikelets for their parents after that night!
Lots of great actors come to mind...

Alec Guinness
Christopher Lee
Ian MacKellan
Peter O'Toole
Bob Hope
Bing Crosby
Groucho Marx
Peter Sellers
Jimmy Durante
Andy Griffith
Don Knotts
Lots of great actors come to mind...

Alec Guinness
Christopher Lee
Ian MacKellan
Peter O'Toole
Bob Hope
Bing Crosby
Groucho Marx
Peter Sellers
Jimmy Durante
Andy Griffith
Don Knotts

Andy Griffith.... like Geoffrey Hughes, may he also rest in peace. I could see him in the show. He would be a laid back character being amused by the likes of Compo etc.

In a previous but similar topic, I mentioned Wilfred Brimley as someone who would compliments a regular cast member.
Charlie Chaplin :) although he would of been a bit to frail by then. And also Benny Hill and Harry Hill :)
The Legend that is Rik Mayall :)

Sorry, cannot agree! Each to his own and all that but to me Mayall is one of these so called comedians who think it impossible to be funny without being crude. He is described as "a pioneer of alternative comedy" which to my mind has never been comedy, certainly not an alternative to it and is the complete antithesis of Last Of the Summer Wine. It is his type of drivel, so admired by the urchins who run so-called comedy in the BBC, that was deemed fit to drive LOTSW off of our screens.