Under the Weather


Staff member
Hi Gang

I am just getting over a nasty chest infection,now I have anti bionics (spelling is correct) I hope to be feeling much better in the next couple of days,LOSW has been on constant replay since Thursday so each time I have woken up it is another episode of another series to watch and in a short time I am off to sleep again,the worst part is having to get up for the loo,I am looking into getting indoor plumbing.
Feel better soon Terry, indoor plumbing would help then the Missus wouldn't have to hold your hand down the garden path:eek:.

Keep your woolies done up tight. :21:

Well I thought this chest infection was clearing but this morning it was as bad as it was a week ago,maybe it gets worse before it gets better
Happy Days
The nice warm scarf didn't work then?

OK time to get the big guns out, goose fat and brown paper it is, you won't smells so good but you'll make friends with all the local cats.

I'll send Glenda round in her leather gear to administer it, that should perk you up no end. :D

Just watch out for Dick because he smell the leather gear coming out from 100 miles...... :12:
Try a mustard plaster. It might work. Back in the 1960's, President Johnson had a similar condition and demanded a mustard plaster.
Try a mustard plaster. It might work. Back in the 1960's, President Johnson had a similar condition and demanded a mustard plaster.

I still prefer Musterole over Vicks for chest congestion. The ingredients are Petroleum, Brassica Alba (mustard) Seed Oil, Lamphor, Menthol and Methyl Salicylate. It's still available in the States from Vermont Country Store.

Of course the Vermont Country Store has all sorts of oldies but goodies that they have somehow managed to unearth. Wonderful stuff.