The White Mans Grave.


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Just watched the episode and found myself wondering again.
Wally comes out of the loo and hides just under the steps as Norah shakes a rug. Norah is always cleaning and washing so how come ,the rug she is shaking has practically a shovel full of dust on it :39: ???
I agree, why would she have that much dirt? But if she did, why would she shake it onto her walk where she will just have to go out and sweep again? Wouldn't it make more sense to shake it over the wall into the grass & dirt there? But of course that wouldn't have made for a good story line.
I had wondered on that as well whenever I watch the episode. Thought maybe something got spilled, potting soil or ashes from the fireplace possibly. Also I was not sure if the place Wally came out of was a loo or a storage shed. Thanks for clearing that up.

I do recall Nora putting a rug over the railing to beat the dust out of when Ms. Avery was around. Can't recall how much dust came off it but she would have had to sweep the steps afterward same as when she shook the rug out on Wally. As mentioned as much as she seems to clean one would think very little dust would remain to be shaken out of a rug.

The White Mans Grave

We all think of Nora as a bit of a Dragon ,add a tickly throat and that ash and clinker she would cough up would go everywhere.
Maybe she uses it as a dust cover for when she's sweeping out the attic? Put the rug on the floor below the hole and sweep all the dust out the hole onto the rug, then shake it out just before she sweeps the yard.
Sounds logical to me.
Why don`t we just enjoy our wonderful series for what it is and not keep nit picking over trivialities. Lets just be a bit more open minded and rejoice that we can keep watching them.:)
Why don`t we just enjoy our wonderful series for what it is and not keep nit picking over trivialities. Lets just be a bit more open minded and rejoice that we can keep watching them.:)

We keep watching HJ, we're bound to notice things aren't we? I've complained in the past that we may kill the golden goose but this bit with the dust has always jarred with me. Continuity or just to add something to the storyline?:30:
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We keep watching HJ, we're bound to notice things aren't we? I've complained in the past that we may kill the golden goose but this bit with the dust has always jarred with me. Continuity or just to add something to the storyline?:30:

I must admit Dick the dust!! was a little bit over the top;D
I expect Nora kept a dusty rug on purpose so she could beat it or shake to release stress of being grabbed by Compo and keeping an eye on Wally!!
I expect Nora kept a dusty rug on purpose so she could beat it or shake to release stress of being grabbed by Compo and keeping an eye on Wally!!

Nothing like chucking a rug over the washing line beating the fudge out of it with a brush. My rugs where always well walloped on PMT week, him indoors was just happy it wasn't him :D

Also pinatas, my granddaughter had one once, I think it was made out of concrete because it wouldn't break no matter how hard they tried, so I took to it with cricket bat, by gum that was a great stress reliever, my daughter's mother in law said afterwards that looked like I'd really really needed that. ;D;D
@ Pearl or who ever knows.
Maybe she uses it as a dust cover for when she's sweeping out the attic? Put the rug on the floor below the hole and sweep all the dust out the hole onto the rug, then shake it out just before she sweeps the yard.
Sounds logical to me.

I've not seen this before and am curious. Wouldn't there be a danger of stepping into the hole and getting hurt? Unless there is a way to cover it up when not in use. To help keep the heat from escaping the room and go up into the attic. Also, would the dust / dirt really fall straight down and not spread out across the room on the way to the floor below?

@ Pearl or who ever knows.

I've not seen this before and am curious. Wouldn't there be a danger of stepping into the hole and getting hurt? Unless there is a way to cover it up when not in use. To help keep the heat from escaping the room and go up into the attic. Also, would the dust / dirt really fall straight down and not spread out across the room on the way to the floor below?


It's Yorkshire dust it falls where it's told to fall just like the men and there is a door for hole when not in use.
Erm ??? perhaps she was baking one of her cakes and some flour ended up on the rug !!:):):)
Rug beating -- an old time version of Prozac. Back then, women had to be really reserved in public; but then they could go home and really wallop those rugs with the rug beater.
I suppose the excessive amount of dust was to make it funny.

A smaller amont of dust may not have shown up on the camera, and it would look like a clean carpet was shook over him - which just wouldn't have been funny.

With any slapstick humour, a few specks of something chucked about just isn't funny - you need loads of it!

You need a bit of artistic license sometimes.
As some one living in a house of not dis-similar age to that of Norah or Compo I can authoritavely state that they create a great deal of dust on a daily basis. Thus enirely feasible that vigorous dust removal will be required at least every other day. The upper walls are lath and plaster and this has the plaster slowly crumbling on the inside of the wall which creates a very fine dust which seeps through the gaps in the skirting board and stirred up by the wind creeping in through the widows deposits a grey layer of fine ash everywhere, every day.
As some one living in a house of not dis-similar age to that of Norah or Compo I can authoritavely state that they create a great deal of dust on a daily basis. Thus enirely feasible that vigorous dust removal will be required at least every other day. The upper walls are lath and plaster and this has the plaster slowly crumbling on the inside of the wall which creates a very fine dust which seeps through the gaps in the skirting board and stirred up by the wind creeping in through the widows deposits a grey layer of fine ash everywhere, every day.

When was your house built? Mine was built in 1929, and has lath and plaster walls. My prior house was built in 1917, ditto. Both have always been very dusty, and the slightest vibration will break the plaster keys off the back of the lath, but I hadn't made the connection between that and the dust in the house. Maybe I can stop scolding myself for being a slovenly housekeeper.
I have had to remove post in this thread as it started to involve Politics and we have all agreed to keep them off the forum, Thanks
The White Mans Grave

I have had to remove post in this thread as it started to involve Politics and we have all agreed to keep them off the forum, Thanks

I see it was my thread response that was removed . I have to say from the start this was not a political comment in any shape or form it was merely meant to be humorous response given the subject matter of the particular thread . I now realise that it may have caused offence for which I apologise .
Maybe the rug sat in front of the fireplace,and when that was raked out a lot of dust etc. would make it way onto the rug, just a thought
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