The music thread

Talking of Jeff Lynne, this has always been a favourite of mine...Also am I alone but does it sound VERY similar to the theme song of "New Tricks"?
Actually that should be the other way around.:)

This was used at the end of the very final episode of One Foot in the Grave after Victor had died and Margaret found out that her new friend Glynis was the driver responsible for the hit and run that killed him.
I've got this on my list of funeral songs too Dick.
I doubt the Catholic church would play my other choices mind.
I've got this on my list of funeral songs too Dick.
I doubt the Catholic church would play my other choices mind.

I sadly attended a friend of mine's cremation a couple of years back and the two songs they played were so far apart musically . On entrance to the chapel it was Clannad's NewGrange but as everyone filed out there was a jaw dropping moment , he had chosen the Doctor Who theme music and it was played extra loud , people were a mixture of sheer astonishment and smiles.
I have been to the Cavern when its been International Beatles week when lots of the tribute bands play on stage from all over the world its great and some of them are excellent , however , always been more of a Stones fan myself.
You wouldn't like the music I like.

Believe me Pearl that sounds like a challenge to me, my music library is littered with "Oh God why did I buy that" . I worked shifts for a long time so music was essential to get through twelve hours night shifts and so you go through quite a lot of music . We worked in office space so at one point democratically selected an album each and everyone took their turn in playing it on the communal "ghetto blaster" . There were some bizarre choices so you would have someone play a thrash metal album by Ministry or Extreme Noise Terror and someone would then play Doris Day's greatest hits.

At one stage my colleague and I used to travel buy bus to work [neither of us could drive at that stage] and there was a record shop near the bus station and we would often go in and buy something to get change for the bus so the collection boomed in numbers and quite a lot was a shoe in for that " Oh God " moment . Now with Spotify I can get those "Oh God" albums for the subscription . I have well over 2000 CD's and at least a 1000 cassettes all sitting in Pickford's store no longer really wanted though I have original vinyl also in there I will probably retrieve.

So Pearl I would be delighted if you shared some of your music on here :)
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