The Pros and Cons of Married Life Summer Style.

Pro's and Con's of being married to Tom
Pro's : Live would be busy with his money making schemes and you'd keep fit avoiding creditors including Herman Teesdale's replacement
Con's: Always being chased by creditors , home would constantly smell of Bacon Sandwiches, take a hiding from his ex Mrs Avery if you met her in a pub when out with Tom by chance. "Petal" looks like she could handle herself in a pub fight!
Your Fridge works efficiently and its very clean

I was giving this episode some thought the other day when I watched it and the whole premise of getting the ferret from refrigerated conditions to then bury it wouldn't have been possible if it weren't for Professor William Cullen . With a large family he worked on and invented refrigeration in 1755 when he produced the first Fridge as he needed somewhere to store his children's bloody awful artwork! ;)
Pros and cons of being married to Auntie Wainwright.

Pros: You'll always have a lot of money saved up.
Cons: You won't be able to spend the money you have saved up.
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