Summer Wine A-Z Game

Marina to Smiler: “You needn’t be SHY after going to all this trouble. Not only a gnome but a cart loaded with furniture. Good heavens, you’d think we were SETTING up house together.”
Miss Davenport to Hobbo: “I can tell you now, all you’re entitled to from me is a library TICKET.”
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Walsh: “You’re a pussycat.”
Cooper: “I wouldn’t say pussycat. I’d say more it’s keeping my macho side UNDERSTATED.”
Auntie Wainwright to Marina & Miss Davenport: “There was a time when I was a grasping young woman; VITAL, attractive, looking for Mr. Right.”
Nelly to Pearl: “You really do have an eXciting life.”
Pearl: “It’s going to get that way for him!”
Hobbo to Howard: “They have your wife and the lady who could be my mother in their grimy den. Are we really going to HESITATE?”
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