Stunt Scenes



Stunt Scenes- Often wondered, when you see characters moving on a normal background, are these done on stage or on a set?

Like, you see the background, but it looks like the characters have some light on them, you see their activity up close, like this

Stunt Scenes- Often wondered, when you see characters moving on a normal background, are these done on stage or on a set?

Like, you see the background, but it looks like the characters have some light on them, you see their activity up close, like this


They used to blue screen a lot of this stuff in the open,sometimes in the base camp car park
Ahh, thanks. Always wondered but only came to me earlier that I should ask here.
They used to blue screen a lot of this stuff in the open,sometimes in the base camp car park

ive also seen them use blue screen on location, it was for howard and they filmed it where they filmed the wesley getting his bucket in "The Coming of the Beast" and it was used for howards tricks on his bike outside his house in series 31