
That's a great story.
The line about the shouts from the side line made me think of my granddaughter Jessica, she was going for her grading in karate and was sparing with a young boy, her dad was in the crowd watching when a man come and sat next to him he started shouting at the boy " Go on, get in there. Hit her! Go on kick her!!) Jessica's dad slowly turned and looked at this person and when he noticed Craig looking at him went bright red and asked if that was his daughter? He then became quite, I think it took all his strength not to thump him!
I know I would have done so.

It just shows what competitiveness can do. Its good to hear the positives of it.
Thank you for sharing that.
I've always thought it's important to teach gracous winning as well as gracious losing.
This was an encouraging blog and I hope many people read it and take it to heart.
Thanks for the sharing! ~Sheree~