Reflecting on Summer Wine and One Wish

Yep codfanglers ya need to check out Getting Sam Home when you have the chance. Tis a classic.
Barrychuckle !!!!....that is why I am SO PROUD to belong to this special "Summerwine family" we have here.
Your kind gesture sums up the close bonds,friendships and camaraderie we all have.
It stretches to the 4 corners of the globe.....a worldwide family of barmpots !!!.
In these chaotic troubled times we all know we only have to log on and we can escape into "our world".
If only the people in power shared our obsession...the world would be a better place !!!.
I'm sure I read somewhere that they rejected the fat suit idea because Jonathan Linsley had also lost a lot of weight around the face and, therefore, it would have looked slightly odd.
A storyline in which Crusher had been on a long holiday, had fallen in with a group of marathon runners, and had trained hard would have accounted for the weight loss, at least given some artistic license.
2 things
I wish this (and numerous other great series) was a brand new series just starting now not in 1973.. So we'd have sssoooooooooooooo much to look forward to for the first time..!

And maybe - Compos Thursday girl.
Not as a regular as it might have ruined his reputation all together - but how about rumours or random shots of her in the background over a few series . I think it was nearly perfect as it was - just something nobody thought was happening... Would it have added, or taken away?

The "Nora stare" look on Noras' face when she finds out who this mysterious lady is in the church at the funeral still kills me!!
I agree Marianna, they could of played it somehow like Crusher had gone to work at the health farm from the previous "Waist Land" episode a few series earlier and dropped some weight that way. As much of a well liked character as Crusher was / is I am sure the TV audience would have welcomed him back into the series had it been so. Foggy was welcomed back after his absence.
They could have just said he went on a crash diet - which he did in real life.

I think there is some comedy value in crash diets.
Yes, there are a lot of "they could have" had him coming back from the Fat Farm, they could have had him crash that zippy car and during his recovery, apparently have lost some weight. BUT, his character, to be quite honest, was to be a fat, dumb nephew. Since he was no longer fat, he could not be dumb and he no longer "fit" his character. But the good news is that his career took off and he went on to appear in many other things. And it is much better and healthier for him to have dropped that extra weight.
I can post a link to it,so you could download and view it on a PC etc, it is over 4GB, so you would need a decent speed to get it in a timely manner
Sorry, I was out for a while. I am pretty stubborn with viewing programs....I just prefer to watch the programs from my living room relying on my good old PBS stations. I imagine I will catch it one way or another.
I think an episode with two of the "third men" together. Perhaps Foggy and Seymour should have been in an episode together, or perhaps Blamire and Foggy. There were a couple of episodes with two of the third men, but I'd like to see them actually meet and interact with each other. I know that never happened, but it easily could have done and might have made a great memorable episode..

I agree, but they tried to do it a few times according to Bell's book. Brian Wilde was supposed to return as a guest in the Seymour years and both he and Bell didn't feel Clarke's script pulled it off. That episode got changed to become the excellent "CRUMS" Christmas special. Still, I do think Clarke could have pulled it off and from what Bell says they intended to have Seymour return occasionally after Michael Aldridge departed. It just never came together in the short time before he died.

Still, not having Foggy show up for Compo's funeral bugs me. Don't know if they tried and Wilde said no, but it would have been the perfect cameo return for him.
I agree, but they tried to do it a few times according to Bell's book. Brian Wilde was supposed to return as a guest in the Seymour years and both he and Bell didn't feel Clarke's script pulled it off. That episode got changed to become the excellent "CRUMS" Christmas special. Still, I do think Clarke could have pulled it off and from what Bell says they intended to have Seymour return occasionally after Michael Aldridge departed. It just never came together in the short time before he died.

Still, not having Foggy show up for Compo's funeral bugs me. Don't know if they tried and Wilde said no, but it would have been the perfect cameo return for him.

True, they did plan to have two of the third men together. As you say, a perfect return for Foggy would have been for him to attend Compo's funeral, possibly being married to the postlady too. If you remember he took charge of the wedding rings in "There Goes The Groom" and mistakenly proposed to her, as we found out during a phonecall to Clegg.
Yes, it would have been an extra special trilogy had Foggy returned - though it could be argued his return could have taken away the focus on Compo.

I always thought it was an impossible task to 'replace' Compo - though they did with Tom, Alvin, Billy etc.

Since Truly was a very laid back third man, and seemed to have more in common with Clegg than other third men, the show possibly could have worked with Clegg, Foggy and Truly.

There would be no Compo-type character of course (he was irreplaceable), the show may have been more serious, and structure of the trio would have been completely wrong.

But it would have meant the three main characters were the greatest surviving stars of the show, without resorting to less established characters.