Nora Batty

Bora Natty

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Nora Batty never dated again as far as I know after Wally. She had no good for men as far as I could tell, especially Compo. Now, if she would have started dating again, who would you have matched her up with and why?
Nora Batty never dated again as far as I know after Wally. She had no good for men as far as I could tell, especially Compo. Now, if she would have started dating again, who would you have matched her up with and why?
Are we talking someone from the series or in General
The way Roy Clarke writes and looking at Still Open All Hours where he paired the fiesty Mrs Featherstone , the black widow, with the meek and timid Mr Newbould then surely the single and in most series the timid , afeared of the opposite sex Clegg is the obvious choice.
I think the most "Wally like" in temperament and longsuffering might have been Smiler. He was a boarder temporarily but apparently the spark wasn't there.
If you were a big drinker or a Tom fool you had no chance anyway
Smiler escaped from Nora when she was his landlord, I can't imagine anything there..
After unsuccessful flirtations with Cyril Brindley and wistful Errol Flynn designs on Billy Hardcastle she could always turn the tables on Compo and start making him feel uncomfortable instead for a while until eventually he warms to the idea. By which time she decides to remain true to Wally.
I did notice she was all flustered when she met Billy, but he was already married. There was an episode in the Seymour series where Nora met a man and Compo saw them and wanted to kill him. My mind is just not with it this evening, this is the second blank I've fired, so I can't pull the name...
I did notice she was all flustered when she met Billy, but he was already married. There was an episode in the Seymour series where Nora met a man and Compo saw them and wanted to kill him. My mind is just not with it this evening, this is the second blank I've fired, so I can't pull the name...

It was Barry's cousin Eric I think trying to interest Nora in selling hampers.
I came across a little poem that might explain why Nora' s washing line looked like it did and although Compo couldn't stand what he saw it explains it

As a woman grows older
She feels colder and colder
Her draws grow longer
and thicker and stronger
As a saucy young miss
her frillies were brief
now she dons flannelette
with a sigh of relief
I have to say..the only other man she ever loved; Compo. He had over the years become a scruffy little thing, but (from one of the early eppis (Mending Stuart's Leg))..they had VE night. And when Wally once left her..she wasted no time in taking Compo up on his offer. ( All before the show became sort of more PG.) We know Compo and how wildly attracted he was to Nora (he chose trying to get her over a sure thing with the lovely Reggie). I'm pretty sure that when Nora had him up to her place during Wally's absence it wasn't to hold their little pinkies out while sipping tea or to play dominoes. As they both mentioned a couple of times during the show..they'd "known each other a long, long time" and "went way back". I think it would have been so much fun if they had been put together. Compo's friends could have incredulously watched him become a little more like Wesley with his "lass" Edie. And Nora's friends could have watched her become softer than they'd ever seen as she to varying degrees of success cleaned up Compo. Can't you just see Ivy's sly smile..and Edie's eyes rolling back into her head even on their wedding day.
The way Roy Clarke writes and looking at Still Open All Hours where he paired the fiesty Mrs Featherstone , the black widow, with the meek and timid Mr Newbould then surely the single and in most series the timid , afeared of the opposite sex Clegg is the obvious choice.

Clegg would run a mile, although in one episode he did get effectively kidnapped by a woman so maybe he`d just not be able to escape Nora, and he wouldn`t have any pigeons for solace!
Clegg was terrified enough with the ladies trying to get him set up with Mavis Poskitt. I think if the ladies or anyone else had tried to get him set up with Nora then he would have emigrated to Australia.
Nora wasn't interested in Cleggy. She called him "gormless". And Cleggy...I agree with you Adrian; he would have swam for it.
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