New release dates


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Just found release dates for 25/26 and 27/28...........December 31st this year !
Actually 24/25 and 26/27 of course due to earlier mix up in the numbering.
This confirms an earlier email from Universal.
That is good news. I have pre-ordered them with Amazon
That is good news. I have pre-ordered them with Amazon

I didn't think you could? I looked on Amazon the other day and all it said was sign up to be notified when this item becomes available? has it changed?
Just a word of caution - when Amazon puts the last day of the year up that often means they don't really have an actual release date. Hopefully that is not the case this time.
Everyone saying don't beleave the dates that are given
It's really a shame you would of thought it be a bit quicker
As they are so behind
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