Mobile users Forum Theme


Staff member
We are currently trialling automatic detection of mobile devices i.e Phones and Tablets that access the forum,this will load a simplified forum theme which could make it easier to use on a mobile device.

Can I ask members using such devices to view the forum, let either myself or Tony know if it is better or not,if you are curious to what the theme looks like,you can use the drop down theme selection on your current theme and select mobile

Those of you using a laptop please let us know if if your laptop is being detected as a mobile device, it should not but we would like to make sure


Where do I look for the laptop thingy?
I tuned my mobile in on Monday, I have the theme I'm on on now and it looks good. Hope this helps!
I went to STYLE and selected Mobile. Worked great.

Had to hunt a bit to find out how to get back
to the Default style. Maybe just getting blind in
my old age.
I haven't been able to get on the forum using my mobile this past week. Since I didn't have access to my computer, I was out of luck. Do I need to choose "mobile" as a theme before I log on?