Laughing Out Loud with LOTSW

Nora's Hat

While watching LOTSW, I decided to pay attention to the audience's responses to watching a new LOTSW episode. It occurred to me that I would be a disappointment to Roy Clarke, if I was in the audience. I seldom laugh out loud while watching any show. I think LOTSW is funny, but I guess I just laugh in my head. Do you laugh out loud when at home watching? :29:
Oh, yes! And usually the bit that makes me laugh is so unexpected that the laughter catches me by surprise. If I'm watching while walking on the treadmill my knees will go weak from it.

Occasionally I do But I think lotsw is more a smiling and a concealed laughter show than a out loud show.:D:D
I'm so used to random laugh tracks being attached to many sitcoms that I have to remember that all of the laughter comes from an audience specifically watching these episodes. When I remember this fact, it makes the episodes more interesting.
I seem to recall reading somewhere that one of the actors, Brian Wilde I believe, referred to SW as a smiling show rather than a laughter show.

However I do still roar out laughing - not quite uncontrollably - but often when something suddenly strikes me as really funny.
I laugh most seeing a live, stand up, comedy show at a theatre most.

Sometimes I laugh at home if something is particularly funny.

Series 9 of LOTSW seems funnier than most of the other series, IMO, as I noticed the other day as I was laughing out loud.

But, to be honest, I don't laugh at just anything.
I think the live audience's are encouraged to laugh out loud,Alan Bell I think once said the microphones cannot record you just smiling
It's interesting how sometimes a laughter track can help a show. I also thought feature length specials like Getting Sam and Uncle of Bride worked well without the laughter - as it made it feel like a film. That said, Dream Acres could have done with a laughter track to liven it up.