Jubilee Weekend



Firstly I have entered some JUbilee recipes in the recipe section.

Now what is everyone doing for the Jubilee weekend? Are you doing any sort of celebration? Is it good weather for a picnic?
It's strange the attitude and make up of my family. My Mum is Irish Catholic and pro-Monarchist, my Dad is Prod/Anglican and hates them and I'm Atheist and Communist and dont think they are even important or relevant enough to even have an opinion on!
If anyone challenges me I just say


"it's my life and I'll do what I want, it's my mind and I'll think what I want....."
I've been working this weekend and back in tomorrow, I am anti-monarchy, atheist and communist like you Chuffer.
I really think its funny, to watch all the people in London with the flags, hats and other red, white and blue stuff cheering for the royals. These people would have watched the North Koreans on the streets with their flags etc and said, look at those fools...........People in this country chose to celebrate a family dynasty this weekend, i think it shows we still are a country living in the dark ages.
To each his own fellers ! As the saying goes "I don't nescessarily agree with what you say but I'll defend your right to say it!! Just suffice to say President Blair and his entourage would have cost tens of thousands more than the royals!!
I've been working this weekend and back in tomorrow, I am anti-monarchy, atheist and communist like you Chuffer.
I really think its funny, to watch all the people in London with the flags, hats and other red, white and blue stuff cheering for the royals. These people would have watched the North Koreans on the streets with their flags etc and said, look at those fools...........People in this country chose to celebrate a family dynasty this weekend, i think it shows we still are a country living in the dark ages.

EDITED....this is a non-political site and my previous reply didnt need to be said on here.
Chuffer mate I am a socialist but to see people dodging the rain this weekend just to get a glimpse of the royals was amazing. I'd sooner they did that than fawn over these reality tv celebs who dont bring any tourism to this country. Further to my previous repkly about" President Blair"Ive dicovered that it costs the yanks $2 billion dollars just to elect Obama let alone keep him safe for 4 years.!
Chuffer mate I am a socialist but to see people dodging the rain this weekend just to get a glimpse of the royals was amazing. I'd sooner they did that than fawn over these reality tv celebs who dont bring any tourism to this country. Further to my previous repkly about" President Blair"Ive dicovered that it costs the yanks $2 billion dollars just to elect Obama let alone keep him safe for 4 years.!

How is that different to any other President though?
You speak as though in some way I like Obama and/or Blair. I dont like either, just a lesser of two evils...or 4 in this case.
Have you seen the mong that America COULD elect? That Republican turd. He needs to be assassinated just on the basis that he MIGHT get elected.
In fact I'd gladly do it myself.
I've always said that, just like the idiots who appear on populist TV and want to be famous, those who want to be Politicians are the last people who should be allowed anywhere near it.
No mate you miss my point, I am comparing what it would cost us! At the moment the royals are the lesser of two evils ,when have you ever known an honest politician ?? theyare all out to line their own pockets be they mps or senators.
No mate you miss my point, I am comparing what it would cost us! At the moment the royals are the lesser of two evils ,when have you ever known an honest politician ?? theyare all out to line their own pockets be they mps or senators.

I think to an extent we agree mate. Although I'm not interested in the concept of 'cost'. If it's a useful service, you know that thing that people rely on, then it should be funded. I grew up under Thatcher when the first questions asked were 'how much does it cost?' and 'who is going to pay for it?'. The kind of people who would concrete over Paradise if there waqs 5 votes in it.
Mention 'the economy' and 'growth' and I reach for my gun.
Why does or should someone have to make a profit every time I turn my tap on, wait for a bus or do an act of 'work'?
Anyway mate, none of this needs to be said. I hope all that looked forward to the Jubilee weekend had a good time and enjoyed their parties.
You said yourself we shouldn't get political so my last word on the subject is this" If you go to town and want to throw a tramp 50p cos you can afford it thats up to you . If a man says to you you ought to throw him 50p thats wrong. It should be your choice . But if the same man keeps giving your money away to anyone and everyone without your agreement thats theft!!Our so called elected leaders are thieves! >:(
You said yourself we shouldn't get political so my last word on the subject is this" If you go to town and want to throw a tramp 50p cos you can afford it thats up to you . If a man says to you you ought to throw him 50p thats wrong. It should be your choice . But if the same man keeps giving your money away to anyone and everyone without your agreement thats theft!!Our so called elected leaders are thieves! >:(

Put it like this, the day that Cameron works for slaves wages is the day that those with missing limbs and disabilities should.
And not to change the channel, but ... just downloaded and
watched a fair bit of the parade down the Thames. Really
magnificent. Y'all really do know how to put on a show!!

And then to have Tower Bridge salute, well... wonderful.
Anyway mate, none of this needs to be said. I hope all that looked forward to the Jubilee weekend had a good time and enjoyed their parties.

I enjoyed watching the weekend and last night's concert of the Queen's Jubilee. Those who critisize it are wrong. I think that an event like this even helps the people cheer up a bit...
I've been working this weekend and back in tomorrow, I am anti-monarchy, atheist and communist like you Chuffer.
I really think its funny, to watch all the people in London with the flags, hats and other red, white and blue stuff cheering for the royals. These people would have watched the North Koreans on the streets with their flags etc and said, look at those fools...........People in this country chose to celebrate a family dynasty this weekend, i think it shows we still are a country living in the dark ages.

Not being nasty but you are so wrong..
Anyway mate, none of this needs to be said. I hope all that looked forward to the Jubilee weekend had a good time and enjoyed their parties.

We had a great party thank you, it was a last minute thing, but all the better for that. A quick note through all of the neighbours letterboxes saying come along and bring a cake and a bottle, and they all did just that. We live in a lane rather than a street, so we used our car turning space. This was yesterday. I got up a 6.30am and thought that we will have to cancel, but by 3.30pm the weather changed right round and it went very well. It was only the cold that decided people to go home.
My big memory of the flotilla down the Thames would have to be those singers on the orchestra's boat belting out 'Land of Hope and Glory' with the rain pouring off them. It lifted my heart. We need something like this at this time.
I've been working this weekend and back in tomorrow, I am anti-monarchy, atheist and communist like you Chuffer.
I really think its funny, to watch all the people in London with the flags, hats and other red, white and blue stuff cheering for the royals. These people would have watched the North Koreans on the streets with their flags etc and said, look at those fools...........People in this country chose to celebrate a family dynasty this weekend, i think it shows we still are a country living in the dark ages.

Sorry but I'm going to stick my neck out and say, I am an royalist and I don't consider myself to be living in the dark ages. I find that comment insulting.
I have my views and they are mine but I would not for one minute enforce them on others. Live and let live.


Sorry but I'm going to stick my neck out and say, I am an royalist and I don't consider myself to be living in the dark ages. I find that comment insulting.
I have my views and they are mine but I would not for one minute enforce them on others. Live and let live.

Sorry that you feel insulted Susan, that was not my intention. Your correct live and let live, i was only expressing an opinion. I don't enforce my views on others, this is still a relatively free country, so people can have opposite opinions on a range of subjects.
I know it is not easy to keep religion and politics out of discussions.
Especially as our hero's could not either.
I like a social society where happiness is more worth than money and everybody has the same rights and opportunities.
Please keep polite to each other. And open minded to people with different opinions.
I know it is not easy to keep religion and politics out of discussions.
Especially as our hero's could not either.
I like a social society where happiness is more worth than money and everybody has the same rights and opportunities.
Please keep polite to each other. And open minded to people with different opinions.

Amen to you.............