jokes bad or otherwise.

Christmas is in my heart twelve months a year and thanks to credit cards, it's on my Visa card statement twelve months a year also. :frown2::frown2:
Billy Smart, the Circus impresario, is in Ireland staging some shows and pops into a bar for a drink . After ordering a Guinness he sees a large crowd in the corner of the bar and wonders what is going on . As he peers over the crowd he seen a metal bucket upside down on the table with a Duck on top of the bucket and its tap dancing whilst its owner is playing Putting on the Ritz on the harmonica . Well he's bowled over with it and offers the guy 10,000 Euros for the duck and bucket who promptly snatches his hand off .

Anyway Billy takes the duck with him back to the Circus gives it top billing and gets one of the musicians to play Putting on the Ritz on the harmonica , The curtains go back and the duck is on the bucket on a table in the centre of the ring , the musician starts to play and the duck does absolutely nothing . Post show an angry Billy Smart hotfoots it to the pub and grabs the seller warmly by the throat demanding his money back . The man asks Billy to calm down and enquires " Did you remember to put the lighted candle under the bucket" :08: