Joe Gladwin


Staff member
I spotted Joe as a guest in an old TV Series the other day, it was odd as he was not in the credits yet played a major part, anyone want to guess what show it was

Both of those men seem to be sitting in exactly the same position and even mouths look the same. How odd.
Oh No it's Selwyn Froggitt is, like I Didn't Know You Cared, very similar to early LOTSW.

It's set in a Yorkshire village, and it's got plenty of outdoor location filming.

The men characters, the women characters and the plots are very much like Summer Wine.
Just looked at the photo of Joe again and what a natty dresser he was in real life [this looks like he is being interviewed on a chat show] . I suppose though he was always well dressed in Summer Wine , married to Nora I could never see him slobbing around like Compo .