It is Back


Staff member
Not the show I'm afraid but the Summer Wine Towers Network & Computer, laptops are fine for occasional use but after almost 2 weeks I am pleased to be back on the big beastie in the new office,which is looking very good,the new doors on the cupboards etc still need to be fitted and that will not be for another couple of weeks,also the new wider skirting to fit over the new heating pipes has to be made,painted and fitted,but I am operational and the systems are back on the UPS backup power.

You have all been very good while I have been busy with other things,so you can all have Sunday off
No walnut cake I'm afraid ( I do love walnut cake ;D) We have PROPER fruit cake, Dick, and paradise cake mmmmm. ;D
I love nuts like walnuts in my cake but I do so appreciate a plain cake with some grated lemon in it. That bit of lemon taste in the cake is wonderful. I don'tmind fancy cakes in Christmas etc. but during the rest of the year a plain cake with just one flavour is fantastic. Cake with a hint of Cinammon, is also one that I like.