
An interesting read and I note that the tour mixes facts about the area with the fiction of the TV series, which then perpetuates the idea of Summer Wine Country.

However one thing concerns me the writers refer to various Yorkshire based TV series and include in this "The Darling Buds of May" - however this was very cellrly set in Kent. There were hop pickers, not somethign found in Yorkshire. Rather an elementary gaffe by academic people?
I am afraid I wasn't taken by this pretentious piece of writing.

The main point of the whole thing could easily have been condensed to a single paragraph, and didn't exactly say anything new. The whole thing seemed, like a lot of "research" papers, to be a method of naming and using other people's work to pad out and justify the rather thin contribution actually being made by the author. The article is 12 pages long, fully 2 and half pages are simply the bibliography! Remove the many (and tedious) references and quotes throughout and the actual "content" of the work is reduced considerably further.

Reading the article, I get the impression that the author took a ride on the tour bus and basically that was the ENTIRE original research that was carried out. Everything else seems to be juggling extracts and references from other people's work to pad out the work.

Referencing other works IS a legitimate tool however I believe some actual effort and original personal work should also be done by the author if any credit is to be attributed. In this case I find little or no evidence of any actual original work being done, other than the possible trip on the tour bus. It is entirely possible more WAS done but it is not evident in this article.

I did learn something however....Peter Falconio, who was murdered in the Northern Territory of Australia came from "Summer Wine Country". I hadn't made the connection until now.
I think in the past the forum members have discussed LOSW & Holmfirth many times and made a much better job of it
Agree the paper was a poorly written piece and certainly did state anything new ,peraps the authors should watch our beloved show and then they know what they are talking about.