If the Dads Army movie is a success?


Dedicated Member
The Dads Army film will be released in February with an all star cast. If it is a success then can people see Last of the Summer Wine being given the movie treatment at some point in the future? There is certainly no doubt that more and more films are being aimed at the silver demographic now.
One hopes it is better than the first Dad's Army movie which was not that well received and certainly does not match up to the series . I suppose if we think that they may make a LOTSW film then you could tie this thread with the recent one where members postulated who could have played the main trio and we could try and second guess who would be cast as the characters.
Mission impossible

Without the unique talents of the wonderful actors who have sadly departed,it would be impossible to recreate the magic of those 3 amazing decades.
The crime of "pulling the plug far too early,despite a massive public outrage" is down to 1 "organisation"yes the b.b.c !!!!,the same organisation that each and everyone one of us in this country fund.....which means that it's ours !!!
Summerwine,despite a consistant level of excellence,for over 3 decades,was axed,because it was deemed "too dated ?????".
Not to the millions of loyal fans all over the world it wasn't !!!!!
Despite the terrible,sad death of bill owen,we still had a "hardcore " of regular,wonderful characters,who the viewer "knew",and could empathize with their trails and tribulations.
New actors,playing established roles would be a recipe for disaster.
It would tarnish all the amazing work that has made our wonderful show so special to each and everyone of us !!!!
What about using the cast from First of the Summer Wine, they would be about the right age now. I liked those two series very much and had a lot more mileage in them.
If I were to make a film based on Last of the Summer Wine, I too would consider using the cast of FOTSW.

That said, I wasn't too impressed with Paul Wyett as Compo.

Nothing like him.

However, if such a film were made I imagine a better known cast would be required.

David Fenwick and Richard Lumsden were quite excellent as Clegg and Foggy.

If I was making the film, I would consider setting in 1971, and touch on the redundancy and Clegg's wife a bit more - as the pilot episode didn't focus on this much.

My dilema though, is by rights with a subject like that, Blamire should be in it and not Foggy.

Something tells me the film may be more successful with Foggy.

I've always maintained that actor John Henshaw would make an excellent Sid.
The new Dad's Army film is strongly rumoured to feature some of the surviving cast.

Ian Lavender will play Brigadier Pritchard


Frank Williams will be the vicar again!


If there was a LOTSW film, one has to imagine a cameo by Peter Sallis as Mr Clegg Senior.
If I were to make a film based on Last of the Summer Wine, I too would consider using the cast of FOTSW.

That said, I wasn't too impressed with Paul Wyett as Compo.

Nothing like him.

However, if such a film were made I imagine a better known cast would be required.

David Fenwick and Richard Lumsden were quite excellent as Clegg and Foggy.

If I was making the film, I would consider setting in 1971, and touch on the redundancy and Clegg's wife a bit more - as the pilot episode didn't focus on this much.

My dilema though, is by rights with a subject like that, Blamire should be in it and not Foggy.

Something tells me the film may be more successful with Foggy.

I've always maintained that actor John Henshaw would make an excellent Sid.

That`s a very good shout. His performance as the landlord in Early Doors had some similarities to Sid`s character.
If the Dads Army movie is a success

For any of you Dads Army aficionados on BBC site's entertainment page today they have posted a short official trailer for the film , doesn't give much away certainly not enough to form an opinion on whether it is a going to be a winner or turkey.
For any of you Dads Army aficionados on BBC site's entertainment page today they have posted a short official trailer for the film , doesn't give much away certainly not enough to form an opinion on whether it is a going to be a winner or turkey.

It'll be interesting to have a gander that's for sure but I'm not holding my breath, these rarely work out well but I have my fingers crossed.
The new Dads Army film should be treated as a modern day treatment therefore historicaly inaccurate plus the characters will be behaving as they would now.Saw the actor who is playing Walker and he might be okay but Zeta Jones no way! If Ian Lavender is in it at least there is a connection but I will wait and see I don't want to see a LOTSW film there are only the actors who played in the show who could possibly be the only ones to be in it.In other words I don't want to see a new film at all there even talking about sexing up the All Creatures by an American company please leave our classics alone.
Really hard to know what to expect.

I saw the trailer, didn't like it.

Watched the trailer again, then decided it didn't look too bad at all.

It's never going to be like the original - and no one can expect it to be.

Also, it seems, it has to be made in a 'modern way'.

For some reason, no one can make a new film in the same 'style' as an old film.

One thing is apparent. There is only one Arthur Lowe.

In fact, all the cast were irreplacable.

But fingers crossed, it may be a good homage to all that went before.

I'm looking forward to the film and will definitely be seeing it at the cinema.
I think the only way a remake will be successful is by anyone who has never seen the original. For those of us who have watched the tv series we will be comparing it with the original actors. I do not think it will work.
The making of LOTSW was the result of perfect timing. The perfect talent was combined with the vision of Roy Clarke with the talents of the producer, director, and crew to make this series. The actors were very talented with many years of pounding the boards with a crew willing able to deal with the challenges of filming in and around the hills.

Will this ever be duplicated to allow a movie to be made? Probably not as the only thing being greenlighted at the moment are movies that aimed directly at Millennials; include lots of action and sex and are guaranteed to sell associated products.
I was in Scarborough almost a year ago and they were just finishing location filming,so I would guess they then went to a studio to do the interior work,but it still seems a long time 16 months later before it is released, when I think LOSW did filming for a few months a year on Location,then studio,edited etc and a new 5 hours in total of TV ready to go a couple of months later,they must of worked really hard, yet a 90 minute film takes so long,maybe this is why films cost so much money
I was in Scarborough almost a year ago and they were just finishing location filming,so I would guess they then went to a studio to do the interior work,but it still seems a long time 16 months later before it is released, when I think LOSW did filming for a few months a year on Location,then studio,edited etc and a new 5 hours in total of TV ready to go a couple of months later,they must of worked really hard, yet a 90 minute film takes so long,maybe this is why films cost so much money

You see, if the makers of this film really wanted it to be in keeping with the original series, and be a homage to it, then they would have gone to Thetford, Sussex (I think) to film it - which is where the exteriors for the series were filmed.

I mean, if a re-make film of LOTSW were ever made, we'd all be incredibly angry if someone decided it wouldn't be filmed around Holmfirth, there's a village in Dorset that would do. We'd be speechless.

Still, I suppose the locations in Dad's Army weren't so 'well-defined' as those in LOTSW.
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If the Dads Army movie is a success

You see, if the makers of this film really wanted it to be in keeping with the original series, and be a homage to it, then they would have gone to Thetford, Sussex (I think) to film it - which is where the exteriors for the series were filmed.

I mean, if a re-make film of LOTSW were ever made, we'd all be incredibly angry if someone decided it wouldn't be filmed around Holmfirth, there's a village in Dorset that would do. We'd be speechless.

Still, I suppose the locations in Dad's Army weren't so 'well-defined' as those in LOTSW.

It is indeed Thetford , but in Norfolk South West of Norwich. I agree they should have perhaps gone back to Thetford unless of course the plot dictates that most of the film requires to be at a Seaside resort , which of course Warmington on Sea was depicted as in the series and thus Scarborough would fit the Bill.
It is indeed Thetford , but in Norfolk South West of Norwich. I agree they should have perhaps gone back to Thetford unless of course the plot dictates that most of the film requires to be at a Seaside resort , which of course Warmington on Sea was depicted as in the series and thus Scarborough would fit the Bill.

Norfolk, yes that rings a bell.

The series was supposed to be set on the South East coast, somewhere near Eastbourne, in the fictional town of Walmington on Sea.

I remember when it came to recording the first series of Open All Hours - though it would have been convenient to film somewhere near London, and pretend it was Yorkshire, the only way to make it look convincing was to actually go to Yorkshire.
A perfect Sid

I've always maintained that actor John Henshaw would make an excellent Sid.[/QUOTE]

I've often thought that Nick Frost would make a great Sid.
When all is said and done with "remakes" of any film ,it has to be remembered that the film is usually biased towards the American market. Therefore it has to be made attractive to American audiences. Otherwise you could end up with an expensive film only making any money in Britain.:42::me: