How's It Going?


Staff member
How is everyones xmas preparations coming on?

I have a bout two weeks worth of wrapping to do, I hate wrapping I'm terrible at it.
How is everyones xmas preparations coming on? I have a bout two weeks worth of wrapping to do, I hate wrapping I'm terrible at it.

Everyone's getting gift cards from me for stores where they can buy some of the items on their wish lists. I can almost hear you asking, 'Why didn't you just buy one of the items, then?' Because I can pick up most of the gift cards in the supermarket while I'm there anyway, and the rest can be mail ordered. Also because I hate hunting through a store for a particular item, and with youngsters there's no knowing if they still want what they thought they wanted when they made the lists nearly a month ago.

At least I put in enough effort to place the gift cards in attractive enclosures and to decorate the envelopes, usually with a scan of the predominant design on the front of the card. That kind of computer craft is looks a lot more time-consuming and potentially frustrating than it actually is, and I enjoy the process of working out how to get the effect I want.

I go out for my Christmas celebration and need only to prepare some food to add to the meal. I seldom have any guests around the holidays, so my only decorating consists of a ready-made, but natural, wreath on the front of the house. It's purpose is to keep the neighbors from thinking that I'm a Scrooge. If I had window candles, I'd turn them on for the first time this evening, in recognition of the solstice.

Everyone's getting gift cards from me for stores where they can buy some of the items on their wish lists. I can almost hear you asking, 'Why didn't you just buy one of the items, then?' Because I can pick up most of the gift cards in the supermarket while I'm there anyway, and the rest can be mail ordered. Also because I hate hunting through a store for a particular item, and with youngsters there's no knowing if they still want what they thought they wanted when they made the lists nearly a month ago.

At least I put in enough effort to place the gift cards in attractive enclosures and to decorate the envelopes, usually with a scan of the predominant design on the front of the card. That kind of computer craft is looks a lot more time-consuming and potentially frustrating than it actually is, and I enjoy the process of working out how to get the effect I want.

I go out for my Christmas celebration and need only to prepare some food to add to the meal. I seldom have any guests around the holidays, so my only decorating consists of a ready-made, but natural, wreath on the front of the house. It's purpose is to keep the neighbors from thinking that I'm a Scrooge. If I had window candles, I'd turn them on for the first time this evening, in recognition of the solstice.


I like that you can buy the gift cards in supermarkets now it makes life easier and I found if you buy them from Morrisons they give a 2p off a liter of petrol.
I still actually like to go Christmas shopping but all the presents will be books from that mega bookstore, Barnes & Nobel. The one I like is not located in a mall.
There are just six gifts under the tree. It looks rather dismal and feels the same. Wrapping gifts is also on my very long list of things I can't do and would rather not do.