Hello from a Life Long Fan

Oh Chris, I am so saddened to hear of your mothers bad health. I was going to ask you to pass on my best wishes but she will not remember me. Can she communicate with you?
She can chat a little when you get close to her, but she finds it difficult to string a sentence together as she forgets what she wants to say so quickly.
Im not exactly sure if he worked for Decca, to be honest, remember I was only very young in the 60's born in 58, so his early career is a little misty, but he did tell me about The Beatles. Actually I worked for EMI as a 7" & 12 " Singles Promoter for many years, which meant mixing with a lot of high level Bands etc, some of which were absolute B......s, and certainly do deserve a Kiss & Tell, but not from me. Some were lovely, Toyah
Wilcox for one, she still sends me a Christmas Card! and realised that we were the guys who were helping their Career's.
I did mention Decca tongue in cheek because Decca would not have the Beatles on their label.:35:
Chris, you must have lots of stories about Summer Wine. I'm sure the members would be enthralled by them. Do you have any photos of the cast?
Chris, you must have lots of stories about Summer Wine. I'm sure the members would be enthralled by them. Do you have any photos of the cast?
I have lots of photos taken of the cast, not smiling to the camera shots, the guy from the Exhibition used to take care of that, but more relaxed shots of them with the Crew and waiting for their next scene etc, if they would be of interest, I would gladly post them
Me again, I do have lots of memories of my times with the cast and crew of LOTSW, and if it would be of interest I am happy to mention a few. I wont talk about anyone in a negative vein, or mention any times when the cast were less then welcoming ok as that would not serve any of us well, it did happen, but lets face it we are all cranky sometimes, if we were tired, or just fed up, and the cast were just the same, so I am happy to forgive them and I for one prefer to remember them all as kind and a great bunch of people.

If you remember an episode called Whos that Bloke with Nora Batty Then, I was there for a lot of the location filming of that one, and I can remember when they were trying to get the scene where Bill first appears in the Blue Bathing Suit. I was stood next to Bill, we were chatting and he was getting colder and colder in the bloody suit, even though he had a large padded overcoat on, but each time the crew moved one particular overhead lamp, one of the big tall ones with the filters on, and they turned on, the bloody bulb blew, and this happened must have been 6 times, and Bill was getting well fed up of waiting.

Peter didn't seem too bothered as he just sat in his chair doing his crossword, and Michael Aldridge was further down the set talking to members of the crew, but the funniest thing was Alan Bells face as you could tell he was getting more and more stressed because he knew Bill was getting more and more fed up, so he did the only thing he could do and called and early lunch to relieve the tension, and give the lighting guys time to sort it out. However, it turned out to be rather a long break, and I'm not sure where they ended up, but I will just say that certain people came back to the Set rather worse for wear. Anyway, they cracked on, and despite the obvious enjoyment that had been consumed previously, the whole scene was done very professionally in one take, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
One thing I always remember being very impressed by was the way the 3 main Actors in particular , (most of the Actors could do it,) were able to drop into character after talking to you quite normally and then when it was time for a take they just dropped into a different person instantly. I know that is what acting is all about but a lot of the "Actors" on the show, were just talking in their normal voices and speaking lines, if you get what I mean, but certain ones changed their voices and personalities instantly and I always found that very impressive. Bill for instance would be talking about what he was doing at the weekend, then drop into Compo in an instant. I know they had been doing it a long time, but I still found it fascinating. When you watch the show, I think you can tell the ones that are just speaking lines and those that change into character, I wont mention names, but I think you can tell quite easily.
Great news, Chris. I would like to think there are not any here who wish to hear bad stories or collect dirt on the cast / crew of the show. Good that you say you wish to be respectful of the actors and not share the times they may of had an off day. I feel we mostly prefer the good news and stories. We all know everyone has off days and can be cranky at times. If I may say that we are big fans of the show and think mostly fond and kind thoughts of it.
Im sure that you all know this but Bill was actually nothing like Compo at all in real life, he was very well spoken, although he could lay it on a bit thick sometimes, and he was a very smart dresser, and very meticulous in the way he did things, he liked the same things for breakfast and did things in a very calculated and precise way, I noticed it quite often, at breakfast or other meal times, it was as if he didn't like to eat in the presence of other people.

Something else I found odd, was the fact that Peter wanted to be buried next to Bill, because from my time with them all, I would not have said that Bill & Peter were the best of friends, I am not saying that they disliked each other, but they didn't talk much if at all between takes, and if anyone had asked me what I thought their relationship was I would have said entirely professional, but not much more than that, but I wasn't there all the time of course, but I can only relate what I saw.
Im worried that you might think that I had been disrespectful to both Peter and Bill in my last post, but I was just trying to say that from what I saw, and I assume, without trying to sound big headed, that I spent more time with them than most here, that sounds terrible I know, but I am just saying that I personally was surprised, from what I saw, and if indeed they were the best of friends, then I am more then pleased for them.
Im worried that you might think that I had been disrespectful to both Peter and Bill in my last post, but I was just trying to say that from what I saw, and I assume, without trying to sound big headed, that I spent more time with them than most here, that sounds terrible I know, but I am just saying that I personally was surprised, from what I saw, and if indeed they were the best of friends, then I am more then pleased for them.
Carry On Chris .. You have a captive audience. :):p:D:cool:
Even more remarkable because a number of their accent was different from what they used in the show Bill and Jean Alexander were very well spoken I believe.
Yes Jean was very down to earth, and always friendly, she fitted in very quickly, and very soon became one of Alan's Favorite's, I guess that's why she was brought into the show so much in the later series, as she was only meant to be in one episode originally.
Something that was a very personal memory for both myself and my wife, was the first time I met Jean Ferguson. We were there to help out on a Scouts Open Day, which was very dear to Bill's heart, and a lot of the cast were selling Autographs for Charity. I hadn't met Jean before, and I bumped into her in one of the tents, and when she turned round, a big beaming smile came over her face, and she started playing with her hair, and going all sort of coy, I then said "oh hello Jean, I'm Chris from the Agency and this is my wife", and as soon as she saw my good lady her face dropped, as my wife is a 14 out of 10, and absolute stunner, and it certainly wiped the smile off Jeans face.

Linda, my wife, has often talked about it, and she says that it was obvious that Jean fancied me, (Linda's words not mine) and when she saw my stunning wife, she was gutted, for want of a better word. So funny looking back on it, as Jean seemed just like Marina, and her reaction was classic. It was just like a scene from the show. If anyone wonders whether Jean could pull me away from my good lady, here is a pic of Linda to prove my point. Its one of her modelling pics.


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