Guest Stars on OUR SHOW......


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Now I have been thinking........whilst watching "Captain Clutterbuck's Treasure" [although as far as I am concerned,there is only 1 CAPTAIN CLUTTERBUCK....and he is a GEORDIE !!!!]....just how wonderful an actor Ron Moody is.......then it got me really thinking...we have had some stellar stars on our show......but who is the biggest we have had ????....John Cleese....Ron Moody....Norman Wisdom...................................Matthew Kelly !!!!!![only joking !!!!].
I have often wondered whether their agent approached Roy and asked him to write a part for their client....or whether Roy wrote the part and thought..."I KNOW WHO WOULD BE PERFECT FOR THAT ROLE !!!!"....
I know Dame Thora and Jean Alexander loved the show prior to them much so that their "special guest appearances" became permanent.......and what about our Entwhistle.......sharing the screen with Peter Sellers as the "slightly" deranged Kato !!!!.....
My Summerwine family members........over to you !!!!.
Great post MoodyBlue,
There have been some fabulous guest appearances haven’t there.
Three of my favourites :
Although it was very brief I loved the small part played by Gordon Kaye from Allo Allo in The last surviving Maurice Chevalier impression,he played a nervous and fumbling tv presenter called Maynard Lavery.
Brian Glover as Oggie Butterclough in Keeping Britain tidy,simply because he’s Brian Glover and he’s brilliant.
Brian Conley as Boothroyd in Enter the finger,he played the part to perfection.
simply because he’s Brian Glover and he’s brilliant

He was one of my favourites when he wrestled as Leon Arras on many a Saturday afternoon with Kent Walton . I could definitely see the ladies with the exception of Glenda sat in the front row belting him with their handbags and umbrellas as he came to the ring . I loved him in Kes as the games teacher especially when asked who he was today for the football match and he replies "Bobby Charlton!" and that role in Porridge as the not too bright Heslop. He was just a great talent .
On the subject of Brian Glover, there's a very quirky film called Bob's Weekend with is worth a watch, it features him as a wonderful character and our very own Ken Kitson also appears in it. It's stars Bruce Jones as someone who goes to Blackpool to commit suicide but it's a brilliant black comedy. It was available online last time I looked.
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