Forum Hacking


Staff member
This last couple of weeks the Russians and Chinese have been busy trying to hacking into the forums,I have been doing my best so far to keep them out
tell the chinese that Entwhistle comes from Hull and we do not have any noodles.
As for the Russians, perhaps they are trying to find a cure for stoneworm.
Oh, THAT old thing! LOL, yes, we have Entwhistle already with his washing machines, no more advertising needed, and as for the Russians, "bog off"!
Oh, THAT old thing! LOL, yes, we have Entwhistle already with his washing machines, no more advertising needed, and as for the Russians, "bog off"!

you have been learning the language well! I think that would be a mild comment from Compo
I monitor the forum most days and I see either a hacking attempt or a new member attempt most days from unwanted sources,when I do spot one of these I deny them any further access,Terry
I think we are all grateful for your efforts to keep everything running "sweet as a nut" to quote Wesley ...