Episodes that make you Wonder

My example is the episode Camera Shy

1. Foggy is sold a VHS camera by Auntie, did she charge it up for him, which I doubt, these devices back in the day ate batteries, so how and when did he charge it
2. Compo was sold a stuffed owl in a case, when the trio were running from Eli's dog and going down the banking, the box with the owl in can be seen left at the top, we never see it again, so was it abandoned by Compo

What episode scenes leave you wondering
The episode The Man From Oswestry, where Foggy gets his scarf trapped in a wheeled cart and he gets dragged off. The radius of the hill and the weight of that cart would have most definitely finished off old Foggy (with little to help him) in a most horrific strangulation.
The episode The Man From Oswestry, where Foggy gets his scarf trapped in a wheeled cart and he gets dragged off. The radius of the hill and the weight of that cart would have most definitely finished off old Foggy (with little to help him) in a most horrific strangulation.
Gradient not radius. Sorry, brain fog.
Howard always made the excuse that he just wanted to go birdwatching with Marina and for the most part, that's what they ended up doing, to Marina's consternation. And then he would always be home for tea.
I like the fact you used the word consternation hehe
Pearl kept Howard's bicycle locked up in the spare bedroom in one episode. Think it was upstairs too.

Maybe, he usually kept the bicycle out the back side of the house. Where we see him flung through a window in another episode. I would hate to have to take a bicycle up and down the stairs at their place. I'd have a few scrapes on the walls!
I always thought he might have kept it in the cellar, although we never saw it when he was tapping for stoneworm.
I suppose if your house didn't have a shed/garage you'd have no choice but to have it in the house.
Have you noticed Barrie's precious car is always on the drive , yes there were temporary squatters in the Garage, a goat and Inflatable Dinosaur, but they were there for a few hours but can't recall the car ever being driven out of the garage or being present in it, hence it was exposed to the elements , thieves and god forbid "Big Hammer" Wesley if he was driving past or visiting.
Glenda actually turned it into a personal sex dungeon for her only client Barry.
That's why he was always looking stressed every time he pulled up. Not many people know this, shhhhhh.


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Something that is mentioned in many episodes is:
“Racing Pigeon Circles “

I am often mesmerized by this concept, wondering if it is fact a real phenomenon, whether or not such a thing still exists, and, most importantly, how the hell do they get the damned birds to race around circles??!
Sort of Pigeon Circles but in an episode of Steptoe and Son Albert, the Dad, tells Harold that his Dad got him a pigeon for Xmas one year but times were hard and so he had to sell it down the Market . The unlucky buyer did tumble it was a Racing Pigeon and Albert flogged the Pigeon 357 times before he was rumbled.
Small Tune is on now and Compo talks about Grandchildren visiting at Xmas and Foggy pipes up and says " Grandchildren ! You haven't got any Grandchildren you haven't even got any Children" so is Tom an imposter or did Roy forget that line by the time he wrote the passing of Compo episodes?
Small Tune is on now and Compo talks about Grandchildren visiting at Xmas and Foggy pipes up and says " Grandchildren ! You haven't got any Grandchildren you haven't even got any Children" so is Tom an imposter or did Roy forget that line by the time he wrote the passing of Compo episodes?
I don’t think Compo ever knew he had a son.
Sanford and Son on your side of the pond . I have never seen it wonder if you have Eli and if so what did you think of it . I know Galton and Simpson the writers of Steptoe were involved.
Sanford and son is a direct imitation of steptoe and son except for the characters being black and in California
Here is an example of the show for your possible pleasure:

While I did enjoy this show as a child I find it very boring and predictable now
Sanford and son is a direct imitation of steptoe and son except for the characters being black and in California
Here is an example of the show for your possible pleasure:

While I did enjoy this show as a child I find it very boring and predictable now

Fred Sanford on the plane was a highlight of the show. I would not know which episode that is.
I always marvel at the miles Smiler and occasionally Tom put in with that handcart . I know Auntie [like Arkwright] says we can deliver but at least Granville had a shop bike and an urban terrain poor Smiler walks miles [not in reality] and given his age this is more than a stretch for anyone's imagination.
Also the running inference was that Tom & Smiler weren't paid a wage by Auntie and although commission was referenced occasionally I've never seen anyone other that Auntie selling something. Therefore it makes me wonder why they'd stick around doing hard tasks knowing they're unlikely to be paid anything!
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