Edie Pegden (Thora Hird DBE) The red Triumph Herald.


New Member
We all remember Edie`s driving, and how she always blamed wesley for messing about with the controls lol. Well the Red Triumph Herald 13/60 Convertible, reg (WRH 132J) was sold at auction on 13th April 2011, for £4,675 Does anyone know if it was bought by a last of the summer wine fan or a classic car collector?? It`s a shame we don`t have a museum with some, if not all the vehicles used on LOTSW. I`m sure many people would love to sit it Edie`s car and Wesley`s Land Rover, or even sit on the Mobile Salad Strainer :D Well i ope who ever bought the car looks after it well and maybe one day we will see it back around the streets and country lanes of Holmfirth.. :)
Its an obe and a well deserved on eto.

Chris, old buddy, you had me puzzled here, initially. I think you meant "It's an OBE and a well deserved one too".

However, even with my editing thou art in error. Thora was awarded an OBE in 1983 but in 1993 she was uplifted to a Dame, i.e. DBE. As an aside, when you are awarded a higher rank in the Order of the British Empire you automatically lose the lower award unless one is in the civilian division and the other in the miltary division.
I stand corrected mate ,not heard of this award before .

Oh but you have and just don't realise it. It is, of course, the female equivalent of a knighthood:

The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire is an order of chivalry established on 4 June 1917 by King George V. The Order is composed of five classes in civil and military divisions. In descending order of seniority, these are:
Knight Grand Cross or Dame Grand Cross of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (GBE).
Knight Commander or Dame Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (KBE or DBE)
Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (CBE)
Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (OBE)
Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE)

I suppose most just think of it as a knighthood without realising it is in the Order of the British Empire. There are other orders of knighthood but King George V founded this order to fill gaps in the British honours system:
the Most Honourable Order of the Bath honoured only senior military officers and civil servants;
the Most Distinguished Order of St Michael and St George honoured diplomats; and
the Royal Victorian Order honoured those who had personally served the Royal Family.

You will be interested to know I am trying to find out anything about the 1987 corporate video "Ernie's Pension Fund" made for British Rail by Alan JW Bell. My brother in law is checking with other senior retired railway staff.
It would be nice to see some of the vechiles go to a museum.As far as im aware the Trotters three wheel van went to one

Yes and Dads Army museum at Thetford Norfolk have Jones van. Bought recently at auction for £60000
As previously notified Wally's motor cycle combination was on display in a museum in Haworth in the 1990s but that closed and where it is now I do not know. But often these machines are used for a variety of films as the owners get paid for their trouble.