Dumb UK TV Question


Dedicated Member
Just thought of this as I am downloading a new episode
of WPC-56.

Why izzit that some really good, adult, UK crime/drama TV shows air
in England in mid-afternoon???

As examples I cite WPC-56 and Father Brown.

I would have thought these would be evening or even night
shows, not necessarily for school kids just getting home.


Hi chuck. I have been watching WPC 56 as well currently into its 3rd series. Yes it should be a bit more prime time as some of it is quite violent at times.
I don't watch much daytime TV but when I have I've sometimes seen an ""EDITED FOR CONTENT"" disclaimer. This has been in some of the Morse and Lewis type shows.
Am also noticing that, as with Father Brown, WPC 56 seems to be
telecast every afternoon about 2. Grown up programs are
telecast more like once a week rather than once a day.

Again, why is that??

To spend that much to produce a rather good TV show
and then have it over in a wink, seems dumb.

Just wondering.

I don't watch much daytime TV but when I have I've sometimes seen an ""EDITED FOR CONTENT"" disclaimer. This has been in some of the Morse and Lewis type shows.

I hate when they do that. I hate it when they cut down a two episode into an hour one, I watched a Taggat one afternoon and it was some badly edited it made no sense.
Hello Chuck,

I often wonder if it has anything to a significant increase in UK post retirement population [the Government are always banging on about an ageing population in the UK living longer] and the TV companies have therefore potentially a larger daytime audience to tap into and so take the opportunity to air more grown up programmes . In tandem with that clearly during the financial crash where significant numbers of people where out of work again the TV companies had a larger potential audience base.
Here in the US, there are channels devoted entirely to nostalgia; shows from the 1950's and 1960's etc. and they run all of these stupid commercials aimed at senior citizen issues; medical, insurance, reverse mortgages etc. And I am so tired of the medical needs commercials. They are so graphic.