Crew Members Seen in Episodes #9 with Prize


Staff member
OK Firstly I would ask that George & Darren do not answer this question as I suspect they will know the answer,if no-one gets it by the closing date I will throw it open to them,the closing date is Dec 24th at Midnight and I will not be posting the prize out until the New Year in the hope it does not then get lost in the Seasonal post,if there is more than one correct answer there will be a draw for the winner,the Prize is simply a used signed theater ticket for the Cooper and Walsh show that I personally got signed in Scarborough by both Ken & Louis.

The question is this,in the picture below one of the people in the picture was a crew member,can you tell me which one and what their name is plus if you can tell me the episode then that will be a bonus should there be more than 1 winning entry,it would be best to send me your answer via a personal message or email rather than reply here,so if George and Darren want to enter before the closing date then by all means send me your answer but they will not be considered until the closing date,have fun

Not had one single entry for this little poser,maybe it is just to hard,perhaps if no-one gets it by the closing date I will start leaving clues until someone does
Well as there was not one single entry for this I will use the prize for another little competition later this month, in the meantime the answer was......

It was the man in the picture who's name is Stephan Paczai , he was the production designer for some years