COVID Vaccine.

It's our turn tomorrow, Wednesday the 20th January 2021. It will be like the first moon landing. I will sit back, roll up my sleeve and say to the nurse, "Just one small prick for mankind and OOPS....ERR We aren't allowed to say that anymore are we! I do apologize. Whatever, tomorrow is our SITA DAY. SHOT IN THE AR...CAREFUL,... SHOT IN THE ARM day. What did you think I was going to say Captain?
It's our turn tomorrow, Wednesday the 20th January 2021. It will be like the first moon landing. I will sit back, roll up my sleeve and say to the nurse, "Just one small prick for mankind and OOPS....ERR We aren't allowed to say that anymore are we! I do apologize. Whatever, tomorrow is our SITA DAY. SHOT IN THE AR...CAREFUL,... SHOT IN THE ARM day. What did you think I was going to say Captain?
Hopefully you get a Barbara Windsor/Carry On type nurse delivering yours!!!!
Worrying development from the Israeli analysis of their vaccinated residents . Question was posed to Sir Patrick Vallance and he answered quite cagily so you hope this decision to double the numbers getting their first jab rather than all selected getting both jabs within 3 weeks ,but clearly in few numbers, doesn't come back to haunt us. Here are the stories

I only had to go 100 yards to get my FLU jab. Why cant it be like that ??:confused:

It should be like that Dick. We did our FLU jabs in our GP surgery, although with the extremely low temperatures the Covid vaccines need storing at, most GPs surgeries are just not equipped for such a thing. Perhaps when the vaccine rolls out further and more people are invited for vaccinating, there may be more places to do it nearer to people's homes. They say they will be opening more vaccine centres in the not too distant future.
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We had our first jab yesterday. No probs except one of my legs fell off. The nurses said they were coming between 11am and 4pm. At 11 am we were sat ready, half undressed waiting for nurse Lance-a-lot to arrive. 11am passed by, 12 noon came and went, then 1pm passed. 2pm came and went, 3pm came and went followed by 4pm which did likewise. At one minute passed 4 we got dressed again. At 2 minutes passed 4, the nurses arrived. Those timings are correct. Jab jab, rub rub, and they were gone. I thought they had to stick around for 15 minutes to check for any reaction. 15 seconds and they were gone. Poor old Jack didn't have time to bite 'em. Mind you he did run and hide behind the settee when he saw the needle. 5 hours we were sat there waiting for them but we didn't mind......God bless 'em, they are doing a wonderful job. So many frontline workers are risking their lives day after day to help protect ours. We pray that all health workers are kept safe.
It just demonstrates the diversity of ideas regarding the jab , as the minutes ticked away to the launching of the syringe , the levels of anticipation grew , your heartbeat quickened, your pulse raced and then and then ....................................... your worse fears were confirmed and Mrs Peri had her wish granted , the Nurse appeared and it was a Nurse Batty / Matron Hattie Jacques clone rather than the Barbara Windsor type you'd prayed for :(:frown2:
It seems that a lot of people are experiencing some doubts about having the vaccine to help the fight against that dreadful disease that is causing so much distress in every country on this planet. I am of course talking about Covid 19. I wish to urge everyone to have the JAB as soon as possible. Please do not hesitate if you get the chance to have it. A small scratch on the arm is nothing compared to a dose of Covid 19. Please check the pictures of me which I have enclosed to show you the benefits of the JAB. The first one was taken when the nurse arrived and the second one is me on the day after I had submitted my arm to get jabbed.


It seems that a lot of people are experiencing some doubts about having the vaccine to help the fight against that dreadful disease that is causing so much distress in every country on this planet. I am of course talking about Covid 19. I wish to urge everyone to have the JAB as soon as possible. Please do not hesitate if you get the chance to have it. A small scratch on the arm is nothing compared to a dose of Covid 19. Please check the pictures of me which I have enclosed to show you the benefits of the JAB. The first one was taken when the nurse arrived and the second one is me on the day after I had submitted my arm to get jabbed.


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Had a letter this morning ,with an online address to book. Online it keeps suggesting ERROR -retry or phone. Phone when you get through, tells you that they are still doing the over 80s and to try again after JAN 28th,:confused2:
Had a letter this morning ,with an online address to book. Online it keeps suggesting ERROR -retry or phone. Phone when you get through, tells you that they are still doing the over 80s and to try again after JAN 28th,:confused2:
Keep trying Dick, they may be just busy.
My dad who is an extremely fit 74 year old has his jab next Friday, but my wifes grandmother who is 94 hasn't even had her appointment yet. Something can't be right......
As a Gent from the Nottingham Area Dick and with the people who usually stage events at Nottingham Castle on Furlough , in a bid to boost the number of vaccinations they can achieve in a day, they have hired the people who usually perform as Robin Hood and his Merry Men who are going to use their archery skills to deliver the vaccine in an unusual but effective manner . I believe the names of these volunteers have been heralded in the local Nottingham Post paper amongst them was a W.Hardcastle if you can I would strongly suggest you avoid having him undertake your jab. :eek::13: