Confessions of a Newbie


Dedicated Member
I have read with great interest the discussions relating to Hobo and Truly and I have to humbly confess that I have never seen any Hobo episodes and only a handful of those with Truly. To be honest I think it is because I have always preferred the early series and asking myself why ? I have come up with the following reasons. I love the longer dialogue of the early days, the banter between them is unforgettable. The physical comedy seemed more evenly shared out, or all three were in it together as it were (this is not in any way a criticism of Compo He is terrific). Clegg is priceless when he collapses under the weight of the flag pole when Compo leaves him to argue with Foggy in "The flag and its snag" and in "Forked Lightning" his eye watering encounters with his bicycle are brilliant. Foggy is wonderful when his scarf gets tangled up in the cart in the "Man from Oswestry" and of course Compo: I love to watch his reaction after the other two have dropped him into the river in "Ballad for wind instruments and canoe" In the early days there was less use made of Doubles and stunt Doubles, what you saw in the main was them and this is what I love. Also I feel that Clegg is better for being less terrified of the Female Species , Foggy has not yet started over doing his war stories and Compos passion for Nora has not yet reached epidemic proportions. Sorry I am burbling on rather and I hope Heroes, Seniors and others will forgive this and my preference for the early days. I do wonder if there is anyone out there who agrees with the above, if not please forgive me ! I promise not to say another word the subject.
Why not Norm?? You like what you like and no-one is going to complain at you for it ;) :D
Oh, my gosh, spot on, Norm !!!! I too have never seen Hobo and only a handful of Truly and you are truly correct in all your assertions. Clegg under the weight of the pole was marvelous and I LOVE as he is driving the Rolls away he puts his two hands up as if in supplication while depressing the pedal !
Hello all. When I first found this wonderful show, it was in the later years of Truly and some of the Hobbo episodes. I started watching because I saw Frank Thornton was in it, and I'm a huge fan of AYBS, of which I have the complete boxed DVD series. I was hooked on Last of the Summer Wine from the first viewing. However, as I worked my further back in the series, I found myself enjoying the older ones much more. My personal rankings are: #1- all the Foggy series, #2- Blamire series, #3- the Seymore series, #4- the Truly series. Basically, the older series are my favorites. I love this show, it has somehow calmed me through some very stressful times. I have heard many other people say this also, so there must be some wonderful magic attached to this some to affect people this way. I can't seem to go one day without watching at least one episode. Never be anything like it again.
Norm, I hope you do speak another word on it because you post spoke with passion and that's what this forum is about, I thought we wrote beautifully and made a lot of great comments. Keep um coming Norm ;D
I think it must be a great find for folk overseas who stumble across the show,then find there is a huge back catalogue of episodes to discover and watch,you could watch one episode a day for 40 plus weeks before going back to the start, along with seeing that part of Yorkshire evolve from the 70's,some you would hardly notice, I doubt some of the early antics would be allowed these days without the use of expensive stunt actors or television trickery.Even the steps outside Aunties shop changed over the years,with fake ones added to make it easier and safer to step out of the shop
Mal, it was a great find for me. I am a New Yorker and discovered it on a public service station. It makes me calm and happy to watch it. Does that sound strange? And Ron-po, I too am a big fan of AYBS. "Are you free?"
I completely agree with Norm, Elmc and Ron-po :D. I´m a huge fan of the old episodes too and the characters´ characters ;D. I liked them best in the early years too.
I think it must be a great find for folk overseas who stumble across the show,then find there is a huge back catalogue of episodes to discover and watch,you could watch one episode a day for 40 plus weeks before going back to the start, along with seeing that part of Yorkshire evolve from the 70's,some you would hardly notice, I doubt some of the early antics would be allowed these days without the use of expensive stunt actors or television trickery.Even the steps outside Aunties shop changed over the years,with fake ones added to make it easier and safer to step out of the shop

That is sort of what I did a few years back. I discovered Summer Wine in the middle of the Truly years on the weekdays. Then I came across it on the weekends when the early Seymour era was being aired. My earliest memory of the Saturday airings was (I believe) the gas man trying to enter Seymour's driveway with all the Danger and Do Not Enter Signs. Eventually I discovered Summer Wine has over three decades of shows!

This goes back to my previous venting of British shows. I obviously love British shows. Keeping Up Appearances and As Time Goes By has about 6-7 seasons each. Then there are shows like Fawlty Towers, Young Ones, Open All Hours, etc. that only ran for 2-3 seasons! Why so few seasons! Anyway, I am getting off track.
Many years ago, on one of our first trips to Yorkshire,
staying in a B&B, we turned on the TV in the room and they
were showing "The Last" of The Summer Wine. Thinking it
was actually the last episode of an entire show, we watched it.
And we were hooked!! We were sad that it was over and
we only got to see the very last episode.

Imagine our surprise when a week later they showed
another "The Last" of The Summer Wine. We have
been hooked since then, and we watch a SW episode EVERY night
before going to bed -- along with a single-malt, of course.

And we do have every one of "The Last" of the Summer Wine.