Compo`s Thursdays.


Staff member
I`ve just been watching 'Under the rug' and despite having seen it before I had not noticed a reference to Compo`s "Thursdays" before. Compo leaves the group just after Clegg receives the wig saying "see you later, it`s me Thursday". Having listened to it carefully again I don't think it is actually Bill Owen`s voice and may be overdubbed .I assume that the reference to Thursdays is by way of a lead in to the Reggie Unsworth storyline. Has anyone else noticed this?
I`ve just been watching 'Under the rug' and despite having seen it before I had not noticed a reference to Compo`s "Thursdays" before. Compo leaves the group just after Clegg receives the wig saying "see you later, it`s me Thursday". Having listened to it carefully again I don't think it is actually Bill Owen`s voice and may be overdubbed .I assume that the reference to Thursdays is by way of a lead in to the Reggie Unsworth storyline. Has anyone else noticed this?

it's definitely not Bill Owen's voice and it was a way of leading into the Reggie Unsworth storyline but we have to remember a lot of that series was probably done at the last minute and considering that it was still a decent series
All the outdoor scenes had been filmed before Bill passed away so they had to improvise, you'll notice he disappears a few times in the last couple of episodes.
All the outdoor scenes had been filmed before Bill passed away so they had to improvise, you'll notice he disappears a few times in the last couple of episodes.
He disappeared in Magic and the Morris Minor until the already filmed scene at the end. According to Wiki he had died about nine months before that episode was aired, very sad watching his last episodes knowing that he was so unwell :(
I`ve just been watching 'Under the rug' and despite having seen it before I had not noticed a reference to Compo`s "Thursdays" before. Compo leaves the group just after Clegg receives the wig saying "see you later, it`s me Thursday". Having listened to it carefully again I don't think it is actually Bill Owen`s voice and may be overdubbed .I assume that the reference to Thursdays is by way of a lead in to the Reggie Unsworth storyline. Has anyone else noticed this?

In fact I wonder if that was actually Bill that walked away in that scene and not his stand-in
I`ve just been watching 'Under the rug' and despite having seen it before I had not noticed a reference to Compo`s "Thursdays" before. Compo leaves the group just after Clegg receives the wig saying "see you later, it`s me Thursday". Having listened to it carefully again I don't think it is actually Bill Owen`s voice and may be overdubbed .I assume that the reference to Thursdays is by way of a lead in to the Reggie Unsworth storyline. Has anyone else noticed this?

In fact I wonder if that was actually Bill that walked away in that scene and not his stand-in
Good point, you may well be right.
There is another continuity issue with this scene in that Truly and Clegg express no surprise at Compo talking about his Thursdays appointment, yet in Surprise at Throstlenest everyone is surprised to learn that he has been visiting Reggie every Thursday for years it seems.
There is another continuity issue with this scene in that Truly and Clegg express no surprise at Compo talking about his Thursdays appointment, yet in Surprise at Throstlenest everyone is surprised to learn that he has been visiting Reggie every Thursday for years it seems.

yeah but after Compo died, I seem to remember either Truly or Clegg said that Compo always said that he was exercising his ferrets on a Thursday, so at the time, they could have thought it was just that.
Well, I always want to believe that Compo spent his Thursdays like any other day...thinking about Nora Batty and no other woman!
Watched SeeYa Compo today and Cleggs comment about him when he saw Reggie (So this is what the little devil did on Thursdays all this way on his bike) and Reggie being nonplussed about his love for another woman.I must admit I wondered why he favoured Nora even though she was the sexiest battleaxe in Yorkshire.
Am I the only one who makes it through Elergy For Fallen Wellies without crying UNTIL they get to the point where Truly says "There you are" to Cleg and points to the men in painters' overalls? I don't know whether it's the music that accompanies that moment - or the fact that the choir starts not long after that or.......or what?

Still happens all these years on
I feel the same way, Pauline.... even after all these years! I think it's a
combination of all those things you mentioned. I still get teary. :'(
Same here. Its also the moment when Pearl says to Cleggy 'chin up'.

Sadly, there were probably a lot a moments on these three episodes when the actors were doing all they could to keep their "chins up."
On that note - I can't remember if I have asked this question before Last Pigeon and Post, when talking about Compo not going to France, Jane Freeman sounded like she was choking up I know Peter Sallisknew about the cancer but did the other cast know at this point?
On that note - I can't remember if I have asked this question before Last Pigeon and Post, when talking about Compo not going to France, Jane Freeman sounded like she was choking up I know Peter Sallisknew about the cancer but did the other cast know at this point?

I can't be 100% certain but i'm sure by that time with changes to schedule and to the script that the cast and crew might have known but I assume they was asked to keep it as quiet as possible for dignity for Bill, just imagine if the news had broken he had terminal cancer, all the fans would have been in shock and quite a few would have gone to Holmfirth to see Bill and that wouldn't have been good for him, better that someone who is ill doesn't have every stranger to them coming up and bothering them surely, also knowing the BBC they would have probably cancelled the show there and then so I think keeping it quiet till he died was what was needed and i'm glad it wasn't leaked to the press, doubt that would happen nowadays on a popular show with social networking as it is, a celeb only has to sneeze now and the majority of there fans on twitter know about it
On that note - I can't remember if I have asked this question before Last Pigeon and Post, when talking about Compo not going to France, Jane Freeman sounded like she was choking up I know Peter Sallisknew about the cancer but did the other cast know at this point?

I can't be 100% certain but i'm sure by that time with changes to schedule and to the script that the cast and crew might have known but I assume they was asked to keep it as quiet as possible for dignity for Bill, just imagine if the news had broken he had terminal cancer, all the fans would have been in shock and quite a few would have gone to Holmfirth to see Bill and that wouldn't have been good for him, better that someone who is ill doesn't have every stranger to them coming up and bothering them surely, also knowing the BBC they would have probably cancelled the show there and then so I think keeping it quiet till he died was what was needed and i'm glad it wasn't leaked to the press, doubt that would happen nowadays on a popular show with social networking as it is, a celeb only has to sneeze now and the majority of there fans on twitter know about it
That's true - it's just something I noticed earlier - I mean Jane Freeman choking up - I must admit I switched off after that point cos as much as I love LOTSW, I can't BEAR that look in ompo's eye at the end - I can make it through his death episode.............just but that one...ive got to switch off after a certain point