Clumsy Cleggy


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Watching the early series I noticed Cleggy was a little clumsy.
In 'Inventor of the 40 ft ferret',when they go to the old barn he sits down and almost falls over.
The same again in 'Hail September Morn'.
He almost falls backwards when he sits down in the cafe in 'flower power cut' .
He also trips when running in 'the new mobile trio' .
I don't know of any other instances with other cast members.
Funnily enough i was watching,"Have you got a light mate" today and noticed Foggy bang/bump his head above Cleggys door as he encourages Howard to enter.

I think if we look closely we will see a lot of little lapses like that. There was one episode when Cleggy stumbled into a hole when they were on the hills, and he actually turned round quickly to see if the same thing was happening to Foggy as well. In the Canoe episode we see Compo treading into a deep hole on the grass.
There is a lot of tripping, slipping and nearly falling going on. In the wetsuit episode Cleggy bangs his head on the skis.
i agree, peters motor skills arent very good, through the whole lifetime of the series he has always seemed a little uncoodrinated , even when you see him clapping in later years it does'nt sit right, he is always awkward, but then who is perfect and it does'nt detract from his wonderful acting skills.
LOL, I kind of sympathise, I´m the same, I´m always the one to drop stuff, trip or bang my head etc. etc., some of us just are like that.
In "Come in sunray major", when compo has saved Marina and they are all messing with the radio on compo's back, Howard nearly gets a poke from the ariel.

G ; )
Yes he does seem a bit uncoordinated and yet he manages to get onto a table do a little jig and jump off again all be it via a chair in that episode where he and Compo pretend to be Kossacks (sorry not sure of spelling)
Yes he does seem a bit uncoordinated and yet he manages to get onto a table do a little jig and jump off again all be it via a chair in that episode where he and Compo pretend to be Kossacks (sorry not sure of spelling)

Exactly, and Bill Owen even has to hold on to his chair afterwards when they do this "dance" sitting down because otherwise he´d fall off, but Peter doesn´t. In fact I have also noticed the opposite sometimes, "nimble Cleggy" so to speak. Can´t remember the episode now, but he once carried 3 cups of tea with saucers at once, with one tucked into the crook of his arm. I would have dropped the lot! Or when he unbuttoned Compo´s jacket a few times, that was quite quick. I would have had to fiddle with them. But then I´m really clumsy ;D, I guess my fingers are too long. Oh, and when he has Compo on the carrier of his bike with the flying gear in Wild Blue Yonder, I always admired people who can ride a bike with anybody on the carrier, I never could. My bike always tilted sideways. Anyway, at least I have learned to ride it without holding on to the handlebars when I was a student.
Absolutely, also to digress a little, one of the lovely traits of Clegg for me is his unpredictablilty, Compo bless him has always the childlike oulook on life as it were. With Clegg it sort of suddenly bursts out which makes it all the more loveable and often so hillarious.
In the episode where the trio slides down the hill with trays on their feet,, Clegg slid a lot farther than I expected him to before he fell.
In the episode where the trio slides down the hill with trays on their feet,, Clegg slid a lot farther than I expected him to before he fell.

Could that possibly be due to his "stunt man" doing it?
Can't really imagine any of them doing stuff like that at their ages, i would expect clauses in the insurances to come in to play, couldn't risk any of them being injured, otherwise filming would stop.

G ; )
In the episode where the trio slides down the hill with trays on their feet,, Clegg slid a lot farther than I expected him to before he fell.

Could that possibly be due to his "stunt man" doing it?
Can't really imagine any of them doing stuff like that at their ages, i would expect clauses in the insurances to come in to play, couldn't risk any of them being injured, otherwise filming would stop.

G ; )

You could see it was actually a stuntman. I´m just wondering if this topic is about Cleggy as a character (then it wouldn´t matter if it´s a stuntman or not) or if it´s about Peter Sallis, that would make a difference.
There is one where they slide down a hill on what look like blue bin bags for sledges, that scene looks as if it really is them and not the stunt chaps, sorry but am showing my ignorance again as I don't which episode it is, other than it is a Foggy one.
I have noticed that no matter who it was that carried the tray with the pints, there was not a single wobble.
In the episode where the trio slides down the hill with trays on their feet,, Clegg slid a lot farther than I expected him to before he fell.

In one show, a much later one (not sure which one), Barry and Glenda slid down a hill on trays. Couldn't really tell if it was actually them or the doubles but entire effect was that they were just doing it and not really having too much fun. Anyway it didn't look natural. (Barry should really stick to golf.) When the threesome (or their doubles) did these stunts; they always looked like they were having loads of fun even with the crashes at the end.
Sallis was, from everything I've heard a great stage actor and much like the great Walter Brennan and his giddy-up walk (he would put a stone in his shoe to help the effect), I always just assumed (for the most part) that Peter was just being in character with the type of nervous and uncoordinated person Clegg seemed to be.
He was a wonderful and much sort after stage actor, he also appeared in three musicals and if you go onto youtube you can see him in a televised version of "She loves you" .But that aside I am sure it wasn't always easy to clamber about the Yorkshire hills without stumbling into the odd rabbit hole etc while acting, I know the bit of countryside walking I have done in my life I have ended up sitting down on more than one occasion!!
I was watching The New Mobile Trio tonight and I noticed at the very end of the ep when Clegg is running with the steering wheel in his hand, he stumbles and almost falls. I've probably seen this ep at least 30 times and just noticed it.