All Mods Con?


Dedicated Member
I recently read a book titled "The Loud Halo", by Lillian Beckwith. It is a semi autobiographical account of her time in the Hebrides. One of the chapters was titled, "All Mods Con?". What are the odds that it would be the same as a Summer Wine episode, minus the question mark? This one was about bringing modern plumbing to new homes in the Hebrides. Still, it seemed funny to read the title.

On a Dartmoor walking holiday, the prior evening's introduction to one of the next day's walks described Grimspound as "des res with all mod cons". In their day, they probably were just that, but their day was the late Bronze Age. Now those dwellings are about as inviting as Foggy's caravan.
The episode title comes from an idiom (basically a shortened version of a longer phrase) meaning "All modern conveniences," usually shortened to "all mod cons" in advertising for a home or rental where the ad is charging by the word. Foggy uses the phrase "all modern conveniences" when describing the vacation he has booked for them early in the episode.

Of course the actual episode title is "All Mod Conned," which is Clarke playing on the normal phrase to describe how Foggy has actually been conned, or tricked, by the vacation rental seller.
I will pass on all three all mod cons. Up to date indoor plumbing and water is all I will take.

Speaking of Foggy. My husband has sat through many episodes of LOTSW even though he isn't a British sitcom fan. Sometimes he smiles, sometimes he criticizes. Last night we were watching some with Seymour. He told me that he preferred the trained killer. How funny!!
