53°34'02.6"N 1°44'09.3"W

By way of an update for those interested - I've ordered a sturdy metal gate to be installed onto the land to allow access a few weeks ago, I've chased again today and they've 'had a few guys off sick' :rolleyes: but I'm assured it's due to be installed imminently. Then I've tasked my gardener to give it a serious haircut as it's so overgrown. I'm hoping this will all be completed by autumn and then I'm hoping to get a bench installed after that. When the bench is in situ with it's plaque dedicated to this site, I'm really hoping HRH Terry Bartlam may consider an official unveiling.....

The Summer Winos have already said they want to film it for their website and our own documentary maker has expressed interest in filming it too. I'm really hoping as many as you as possible will enjoy the best view in Yorkshire and maybe a few of you will be brave enough to even wild camp on it.....
By way of an update for those interested - I've ordered a sturdy metal gate to be installed onto the land to allow access a few weeks ago, I've chased again today and they've 'had a few guys off sick' :rolleyes: but I'm assured it's due to be installed imminently. Then I've tasked my gardener to give it a serious haircut as it's so overgrown. I'm hoping this will all be completed by autumn and then I'm hoping to get a bench installed after that. When the bench is in situ with it's plaque dedicated to this site, I'm really hoping HRH Terry Bartlam may consider an official unveiling.....

The Summer Winos have already said they want to film it for their website and our own documentary maker has expressed interest in filming it too. I'm really hoping as many as you as possible will enjoy the best view in Yorkshire and maybe a few of you will be brave enough to even wild camp on it.....
Not sure Barry if it will be to soon but I will be there for a couple of day from the 20th September
Not sure Barry if it will be to soon but I will be there for a couple of day from the 20th September
I think it's likely to be spring by the time the bench is finally installed tbh, don't worry I was only joking about the unveiling. That said I'm really hoping you can unveil the 20 ft bronze statue of you on the land I'm hoping to get commissioned when I've raised enough via crowdfunding.... :08:
I feel a plan coming on. There's a good chance of a fair few members being up there for the May celebrations. Book HRH Terry to do the honours at the same time.? Just a thought to mull over.
I feel a plan coming on. There's a good chance of a fair few members being up there for the May celebrations. Book HRH Terry to do the honours at the same time.? Just a thought to mull over.
That's a great idea, do you have details of his agent?
I think he's like Foggy. No agent, cuts out the middle man & pockets the extra dosh which pays for all the buns.
Surprised you'd get "Edie" anywhere near Barry's plot sure he said his struggled with his Landrover , I know Edie took "Edie" places no one in their right mind ever would but it could be a step too far and you might have to photoshop her into pics you take of Barry's plot. :)
Barry......I have the answer !!!....you could either enquire if the Circus tent is still available after that terrible flop "CIRCUS OF HORRORS" starring some American actor.....OR.....nip to Aunty's....she will have a big tent knocking about in her store room [after all,she had an inflatable castle for Foggy !!!].
Put the tent up on your land...... buy a load of bedding rolls from wherever Sid got his from [probably Aunty's again !!!] and Bobs' yer uncle......WE CAN ALL STAY AND CELEBRATE THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY AS ONE BIG HAPPY SUMMERWINE FAMILY !!!!!!.......AND....WE KNOW THAT IVY DOES OUTSIDE CATERING.....SO WE WON'T GO HUNGRY !!!!.
Putting a bench there and possibly leveling a little bit of ground for camping sounds like a great plan. They would often discuss insects like centipedes so perhaps planting some insect-friendly plants.
Oh me back, I'm not digging any holes

Reminds me of the classic Porridge episode about the escape when Fletch falls down the escape tunnel and breaks his leg. Mackay asks him what they did with the soil from the tunnel to get rid of it and Fletch responds " they dug another tunnel and put it down there" and with brilliant comic timing Mackay accepts it for a split second before the puzzled look appears on his face, absolute gold!
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