Jane Freeman and Jonathan Linsley advertising John Smiths

OOOPS !!!...sorry everyone..it's my sausage fingers !!!..
If Ivy would have shown as much desire,passion...dare I say LUST in her eyes with Sid as she did in the advert they would have had enough children to start a football team...SID'S CAFE F.C.
Since I don't drink, isn't it odd that she gets the exact same glass as he does? Wouldn't that put her under the table? In that scene where Norma is looking for Wally, they gave her a miniature glass with the idea that women don't need much.
She’s only having a half. John Smiths isn’t the most powerful ale , even then :). If she had a pint of Old Tom on the other hand :)
It's a half too much from what I hear ! I am purely a spirit drinker now but my friends who like a pint would rather go home if the pub only had John Smiths left to drink . I suppose each to their own , in Toon JS and Fosters lager are the drinks of choice on match days . The Area Manager for Spoons told me they outsell everything when Toon play :fp: :oops:
It's a half too much from what I hear ! I am purely a spirit drinker now but my friends who like a pint would rather go home if the pub only had John Smiths left to drink . I suppose each to their own , in Toon JS and Fosters lager are the drinks of choice on match days . The Area Manager for Spoons told me they outsell everything when Toon play :fp: :oops:
No Newcy Broon?
I’m partial to some Theakstones Old Perculiar myself… and some Trooper….Guinness Export….Mc Ewan’s Champion…Marstons Peddi’… in moderation when I’m camping.:08:
I’m partial to some Theakstones Old Perculiar myself

My sister in law's husband who is from down south came up to Newcastle before they married and we took him out for a drink .After just a couple of pints and believing he could drink us under the table he opted for a pint of OP , night over had to carry him out and my sister in law picked him up much to her annoyance and we continued until closing time .
Assuming this was 1989, by which time Crusher had left the show, can you see from this ad any real good reason why Jonathan Linsley was effectively 'sacked' from LOTSW?

Because I can't.
On LOTSW, he was a dumb clod complaining about having to wear a "frock;" unable to deal with problems such as how to deal with a hanging plant and determining if a floor has dried. Having lost the weight, he was suddenly an intelligent, well spoken person and did not "fit" the character any longer. Many characters were "discontinued" due to ill health or the final farewell. Jonathan is still hale and hearty.