Hope you all enjoyed

That's one thing I noticed about the US on my trips there doesn't seem to be many Indian restaurants, must be something to do with the US palette, there is at least 1/2 dozen in most UK towns!!!!
I had a quiet Christmas with a leisurely rising time, then present opening (with my son) accompanied by a glass of Prosecco. Among other things, I received a new Kindle which is good, as my previous one had developed a fault. And a lovely book (photo attached) – divinely good, some might say! The afternoon was spent making and then eating the most delicious nut roast (my son only eats Vegan). The only TV programme that appealed to me was "Call the Midwife" which I have watched since day 1, having been a fan of the Jennifer Worth books, and it did not disappoint. I don't really "do" New Year at all now - back in the 80's, when my husband was alive, we would do it the real Scottish style, going round the houses and not getting to bed until the morning! (And, unless very prudent, suffering the hangover from hell - certainly don't miss that!)


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BJcat, my dad's best friend was Scottish, as kids we'd go to his house for new year walk home after midnight. One of my brother in laws was Scottish also and we'd go there with our kids on New Years Eve where he'd cook a large turkey dinner at midnight then all the kids would sleep on the floor and we'd go home about 6am, I love the Scots they know how to party at New Year's Eve. Now we go to bed at 9 wake at the sound of fireworks at midnight moan like old fogies and go back to sleep.
A Couple of the things I received this year was a 3D clockwork train puzzle, so far lost 2 days putting it together and only about half way

This is a handheld air blower, which gives 30 minutes of powerful air for cleaning out computers, keyboards and anything electrical that gathers dust, built in batteries USB charging
BJcat, my dad's best friend was Scottish, as kids we'd go to his house for new year walk home after midnight. One of my brother in laws was Scottish also and we'd go there with our kids on New Years Eve where he'd cook a large turkey dinner at midnight then all the kids would sleep on the floor and we'd go home about 6am, I love the Scots they know how to party at New Year's Eve. Now we go to bed at 9 wake at the sound of fireworks at midnight moan like old fogies and go back to sleep.

One of my ex neighbours was a scotsman, he would come home well oiled about 2am on the 1st, knock us up for first footing and something to do with coal before he went home, one new years morning I found him asleep on his back lawn.
BJcat, my dad's best friend was Scottish, as kids we'd go to his house for new year walk home after midnight. One of my brother in laws was Scottish also and we'd go there with our kids on New Years Eve where he'd cook a large turkey dinner at midnight then all the kids would sleep on the floor and we'd go home about 6am, I love the Scots they know how to party at New Year's Eve. Now we go to bed at 9 wake at the sound of fireworks at midnight moan like old fogies and go back to sleep.

Sounds like some good memories Pearl.
What you do now sounds a lot like my kind of New Year these days (although I don't go to bed quite as early as 9).
One of my ex neighbours was a scotsman, he would come home well oiled about 2am on the 1st, knock us up for first footing and something to do with coal before he went home, one new years morning I found him asleep on his back lawn.
2am??? Lightweight Scotsman right there.
Frankie Boyle , who is a Scot and therefore informs us he is entitled to be derogatory about his fellow countryman, tells a wonderful tale of seeing a drunken man in Dundee who was taking a leak against a house front door and after "finishing" took out his key and opened the door and went in , priceless .
Your comedy preferences are certainly eclectic Captain ! There can't be many who like Frankie Boyle and LOTSW as they're at the opposite ends of the comedy scale!!!!!
I like all sorts of comedy [see my post on the To all New Members] old and new , sadly Frankie can be very witty but equally way too vitriolic and outspoken though people who push the boundaries of comedy are sometimes preferable to those who churn out the same mediocre material again and again . I really like innovators like Spike Milligan who was way ahead of his time , I love silly films like all of the Pink Panther series and a really big fan of Jacques Tati .
I completely agree with your comments on comedy it is about pushing the boundaries, where would comedy be without the likes of the Goons or Monty Python.

I was annoyed to read that Swansea council had recently banned Chubby Brown 'to protect minorities' personally I'm not a fan. However I think it's double standards that Frankie Boyle can regularly joke about Katie Prices teenage autistic son because he's considered avant garde.
I completely agree with your comments on comedy it is about pushing the boundaries, where would comedy be without the likes of the Goons or Monty Python.

I was annoyed to read that Swansea council had recently banned Chubby Brown 'to protect minorities' personally I'm not a fan. However I think it's double standards that Frankie Boyle can regularly joke about Katie Prices teenage autistic son because he's considered avant garde.
Having 2 autistic grandsons I find him and Jimmy Carr not worthy of a comment but just to say thinking "jokes" about the most vulnerable children in society is totally beyond contempt.
Sadly that is the really awful and beyond contemptable side of Frankie Boyle which I abhor but when he spits vitriol at the injustice that is prevalent in our Society that , in my opinion, deserves some credit because he is bringing it into the public eye and it gains a wider audience which will hopefully unite against it.
Sadly that is the really awful and beyond contemptable side of Frankie Boyle which I abhor but when he spits vitriol at the injustice that is prevalent in our Society that , in my opinion, deserves some credit because he is bringing it into the public eye and it gains a wider audience which will hopefully unite against it.

Anyone who can perform comedy and be clean is a genius as it's extremely difficult to do. That's why I love John Shuttleworth & Count Arthur Strong (thanks for your rec btw the Christmas special was hilarious!) I also like Frank Skinner as he cleaned up his act when he decided to embrace Catholicism more. Again really funny without being vitriolic...
I think you have to go back in time to perhaps the golden age of comedy to find "clean and clever" comics, never lauded but I love Chic Murray [who I have mentioned before in other threads] .
The generations aren't any more mixed than if you go back far enough in most families. It's just that there are two families with no common ancestry who are as close as the closest of genetically related families.

I've read all of Christie so many times that I could nearly recite most of the books. The author I repeatedly return to, just as I do with LOTSW, is Dorothy Sayers. For variety, my current favorite is Anne Perry, especially the Charlotte and Thomas Pitt series, the two Daniel Pitt books and the one, so far, Elena Standish. That author is 81 years old, so there might not be many more after the one that was published this year.
I also had New York people. My grandfather emigrated from Switzerland and settled in NYC.
Two comedians who used innuendo but left it to the Audience's collective mind to discern what meaning to put on what they said were Frankie Howerd and Larry Grayson but they were never ever "Blue" and were both considered clean comedians and were equally really clever and so so funny .
I think Larry Grayson in particular was an absolute genius, there has never been a comedian quite like him. When you break down his act, it was basically just gossip stories about people he knew. But they worked to hilarious effect, I've recently read his biography by Tony Nicholson, well worth a holiday read....
I assume Barry you remember Granada's The Comedians which had various clips of Comedians of the day telling basically one liners and that offered such a contrast from the bluest comic [ not in the show] Bernard Manning to probably the cleanest gag teller on the show Ken Goodwin who was a loved by the public despite the awful jokes.