The Mystical Squeak of Mossy's Bicycle

Mossy 2706

New Member
Good afternoon all (well it is at the time of writing) I am delighted to encounter this group page. I have appeared twice in Last of the Summer Wine, firstly in the episode where Our Barry becomes a rocker complete with shaggy wig and leathers, the second time I took over the role of Astrid, who was brought in as a girl friend for the hapless Smiler, and who got completely mullahed doing a wine tasting.

Lovely seeing people speaking affectionately of this wonderful, gentle series.

I'm off to ride down a hill in a bath tub...!
Welcome Mossy. If you are not a little doo-lally now you could be when you have encountered some of the members on this site. But I could be lying.:13::12::29:
Meeting the Cast

Yes, the actors in Summer Wine really are as lovely as you would expect.

Jean AKA Marina, taller than you would think, strolls around between takes with a humungous hair net over her bouffant hair do. She also leads everyone in quizzes and games to while away the day. Mr Sallis and Mr Thornton would sit in their caravan, quietly doing their crosswords. Mr Fyffe AKA Howard has this beautiful child-like joy at what is going on around the set, a lovely little chap. Stephen Lewis presents a tall, slightly stooping figure, well spoken and a complete gentleman. Found myself strolling around the Unit Base linking arms with him.

You can't buy moments like that.

The atmosphere is that of a long, well-established, loving family. It was an absolute privilege to be in this series. I cried when Bill Owen died and they made that last, touching episode with Compo playing the last post.

When you see an elderly much-loved actor hurtling down the Holmfirth hillsides perched atop an Avon dinghy, in a bath tub, on a wildly wobbling bicycle, it is not often a stunt double. Alan doesn't believe in stunt doubles! It's nearly always the actors themselves!!!

A notable use of a stunt double was an elderly lady called Amy, who drove the little, red Triumph Herald convertible that was Edie's (played by Dame Thora.) Dame Thora Hird didn't drive so any long shots of the car coming along the road would have Amy driving it. Shots where Dame Thora are at the wheel are either done with the car on a trailer behind a Land Rover, or in the studios with a green screen behind. One scene called for Amy as Dame Thora to take out a pub sign at the side of the road, which she did with gusto- removing the bumper bar from the car in the process! :biggrin::rolleyes:
Hello Mossy and welcome to the forum a pleasure to read your account of working on the show , from my perspective please feel free to continue in that vein and share your anecdotes.
How great to have you on board Mossy,welcome,
it must have been amazing to be on the set and meet and know all those wonderful people,
I'm really short for time to come on here over the next week or two but just wanted to say I loved reading your posts,if you have any other stories please share them,also any photographs if you have any and are able to load them,
I have loads of questions that I could ask you,and hope to over time,
It's made me really happy to read that they were like a family and really friendly,especially what you said of two of my favourites,Stephen Lewis and Robert Fyfe,am I right that Roberts normal speaking voice was very posh and proper ?
Hope to read many more of your posts,thankyou for sharing :) :)
Welcome aboard Mossy,always nice to have someone with insight to the show, I will warn you the members are a complete bunch of Barmpots here,me included,maybe that's why we all get along so well and all have something in common the love of the show plus I believe we are all on strong medication
Who Me?

I took over from Bree Martin when she had to miss some filming, I gather her mother was unwell at the time and I was called in at short notice.

I've been in 2 series of Channel 4 "No Angels," about 3 seasons of "Where the Heart Is," a couple of seasons of "Peak Practice," some of the single dramas written by Kay Mellor such as "A Good Thief," "Gifted," and some series such as "Playing the Field," "Life on Mars," and other Yorkshire/Manchester Productions.

I've also made short drama and factual films for such events as the Leeds International Film Festival such as "Motherwood," "Loss," etc.

I am currently making some programmes called "Out and About," designed to get people out in the countryside for the benefit of their health, especially people with mobility impairments.

On stage I've played Hecabe (Hecuba) in "Women of Troy," Volumnia in "Coriolanus," Boxer in a devised version of Orwell's "Animal Farm," and I used to do a number of summer seasons in North Wales such as the Whitehall Farces, running from June to the end of September, namely "Key for Two," "Run for your Wife," etc.

I also directed youth theatre at The Met Arts Centre, Bury. Ages 8-11, 12 &13, and 14-16, plus an adult theatre group for people with disabilities, this was called Met Express.

Since 2008 I have worked for regional fire services- five years with Merseyside and with Greater Manchester since then. I am also a Community Fire Cadet drill instructor and a Brownie Leader. But I couldn't eat a whole one. :P

Me Fire Brigade Uniform.jpg