Door Number Quiz


Staff member
I have though of a new quiz,based around who lived or who are supposed to live at places we see in the series with house names or numbers, if you think you know and reply with a different person to what I am looking for,you may be right and have spotted one I have not,so in your reply please include the episode you spotted the name/number

Lets start the ball rolling with Number 32

Have fun
I may have this back to front but can I try ............The big lady in the black nighty who grabs Foggy in "Desperate for a Duffield" ?? :confused:
Another stab.........Was it the house Foggy came out of in " Walking Stiff etc"?? When he had his riding breeches on??
Was it where the Chinese restraunt man chases Smiler away from the door in "ALADDIN GETS ON YOUR WICK??"