Whats the episode #17

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Is it ACCORDING TO THE PROPHET BICKERDYKE ?? Darren ? The two groups of hikers who climb on the flat stone where Gunnershaw had been sniffing for burning.
Is it ACCORDING TO THE PROPHET BICKERDYKE ?? Darren ? The two groups of hikers who climb on the flat stone where Gunnershaw had been sniffing for burning.

can see your thinking dick but not the episode im looking for
Maybe Small Tune on a Penny Wassail? That episode switches a lot between Sid and Ivy's guests and Nora and Wally's ???
tough first clue. :-\. Very good Darren!!

glad you think so Brenda, I have to make them hard otherwise it would be too easy, but I will admit its getting hard for me to come up with hard clues for these so its good to know I am